~*~The Last Quest sent in by Kelia~*~
rated G
The door slammed behind Kel and she looked back.
Standing there was Neal. His face was contorted with furry. "What do you think you were doing?" he said, "You
could have been killed!" "Well I'm um...sorry. Someone had to do it."
"You don't
just ride off in the middle of the night and go searching for the Jewel. Mages have been searching forever. What
made you think you could find it?" said Neal
"I had to see if that man was telling the truth. He said that
he knew where the Jewel was. He even told the king that. I couldn't let the king follow him blindly. And
the man hadn't been telling the truth to the king so it's a good thing I went."
Mithros, you could have been killed. What if the enemy had seen you leave Corus? What if they had captured you
and tortured you for answers?" Neal continued, talking very fast. "You have seen what they have done to some of the
king's spies. What if you were caught?"
"Neal, calm down!!! I found out what I needed to know, I wasn't
caught, I wasn't tortured, and I wasn't killed. So calm down." Kel replied
"Fine but promise me that next time you go on a crazy expedition
you at least tell me about it so that I can go with you."
"Ok. Fine. I promise if it will get you off my back."
Kel said.
Kel heard a soft knock at the door. Neal said "Come in."
It was the lioness. "I heard what you did Keladry" she said, and to Neal's obvious dismay Alanna added "I'm very proud.
You helped us uncover the truth. The king might have fallen for the trap. You have saved Jon and the kingdom.
There is a group setting out tomorrow for the Great Southern Desert and I was wondering if you would like to accompany us."
turning towards Neal she added "You would be welcome to of course."
"I accept" said Kel. "We must find the Dominion Jewel."
~~~To be continued~~~
~*~The Revolution Continues sent in by Lanna Marie~*~
rated pg13
it is not finished yet, but I’m working on it…. I am trying to add another chapter
at least once every two weeks
This fanfic is post POTS series, PreTrickster’s Choice
H.E. 460 November 2
Kel stood by her window and looked out across the empty courtyard. It was a crisp and cold afternoon, snow fresh on the ground.
She needed to get out. She felt close, cramped in her temporary quarters at the palace. All the men of the Own and a few lone
knights, mostly those who had accompanied Kel into Scanra, had been given temporary quarters in the palace so they had rooms
while they passed their holiday in the kingdom's capital, Corus. The king and queen had reached a truce of sorts with King
Maggur and those who had been involved in the heavy fighting of the previous year had been given temporary leave.
Accustomed to the road, Kel was finding it hard to settle down away from the outdoors. Although
it was literally freezing outside and the ground was thick with snow, she grabbed her Yamani longbow and headed out to the
practice courts.
Stringing her longbow took great effort as her muscles
protested. This is no good, Kel thought. I need to loosen up if I'm to be able to actually hit the target.
years in the Yamani Islands had taught her plenty of ways to loosen up and prepare. She implemented a few of these exercises
now; combining a few unarmed practice moves with a glaive pattern dance. Instead of using a naginata, Kel swung with
her bow. After ten minutes or so Kel felt her arms loosen, heat flowing through them. Fetching her quiver of arrows
she walked over to the practice targets. Tramping down a section of snow to clear a path to the target Kel worked up
a sweat. Before loosing her first arrow she sunk into her Yamani calm.
emptying the quiver she walked to the target to retrieve her arrows. Moving back to her starting position she heard footsteps
crunching in the snow behind her. Looking over her shoulder she saw Dom, a squad leader in the King's Own and one of Kel's
close friends, and smiled.
"Isn't it a little cold to be doing this?" he
Looking at Dom Kel thought, it's not fair. It's
not fair for someone to be so handsome and so nice when I can't have him.
needed to get out," she replied. "I can't remember the last time I spent so much of my day indoors."
made a face, brushed snow off a fence rail, and hoisted himself onto it, seemingly finding it perfectly comfortable to be
perched on a cold, hard rail.
"Don't you have anything better to do?"
she asked.
"Meathead is looking for me," he said, referring to his
cousin and Kel's best friend, Neal. "Besides, even you can't say no to a little company."
smile he directed towards her made her stomach do flip-flops but Kel kept her Yamani face in place.
fine, fine," she replied, not the barest hint of her crush coming through in her voice. "Just don't distract me."
She proceeded to empty her quiver a second time, just as the six o'clock
bell rang. Kel had not realized how much time had passed. She peered at the sky were the sun's sinking position confirmed
the bell's six chimes.
"Care to join me for dinner?" Dom asked elegantly
as he held out his arm in the escort position.
"You were in Scanra
too long," Kel replied straight faced, "You wouldn't be asking a girl like me to dinner otherwise."
you my dear have spent too long putting off relationships," Dom replied just as straight-faced. "If not me at least give some
other chap a chance, you're depriving the world of yourself."
her head Kel jogged off to her rooms mumbling about men with too much time on their hands. After putting away her bow and
quiver she trotted off to the mess to sup with her friends. If levelheaded Dom became this way when midwinter was still a
month off she was almost afraid of what her other friends would act like when it actually arrived.
Later that day Lord Raoul called Kel into his study.
realize that you are no longer my squire but I have a favor to ask of you," he began.
"There aren't many men I trust...at
least not many whom I trust to get the job done the correct way," he said with a wink inviting her to share the joke.
Kel attempted a smile, one that ended up being rather weak. She couldn't help it. Something about the tone of Raoul's
voice made Kel worry.
"Oh of course it will get done but you get these upstart blockheads who think that they always
know best. They set people on edge by changing procedures and not following protocol. Variety is good; you know me, I don't
frown on differences. Sometimes though, the product varies if the method the achieve it has deviated from what it should have
Inwardly Kel sighed. Lord Raoul had never been one for long speeches or for dancing around the point but it seemed
that today he was in the mood for them. It was a mood she had become all too familiar with lately. The mood that ensued after
Raoul had been conversing too much with his wife Buri.
Raoul looked
at Kel's face. To many she would have seemed the picture of an attentive listener, intent on what the man before her was saying.
After having her under his wing for four years Raoul knew better. He knew that inwardly she was wishing that he would hurry
up and get on with things.
"Sorry Kel," he said ruefully. "There really
was a point to all of this."
He smiled and walked over to his desk.
From one of the many drawers he retrieved a small, worn, leather pouch. Opening it up he dumped the contents on his desk.
Revealed were a handful of coins and gems of different colours. Riffling through the gems, Raoul muttered under his breath.
one ought to do," he said as he picked up an aquamarine coloured, many faceted gem about the size of a fingernail.
to Kel he said, "Hold out your hand."
She obeyed and Raoul placed the
gem in her hand. The second she touched it Kel could feel power radiating from the gem.
her a leather cord Raoul said, "Put it on this cord and string it about your neck. If you are lost we need some way to be
able to find you."
Questions raced through her mind Kel obeyed. As
she strung the cord through a small opening she had found on the gem Kel looked at her former knight-master. They made eye
contact and Kel raised an eyebrow, a habit she had picked up from Raoul himself.
he said, "Ok, ok, ok...I'll explain. About two weeks ago I received notice that a mutiny had taken place in one of the forts
near the northern border and that the people the Own had stationed there had been locked in dungeons. There haven't been any
spare people up north to send to the fort to have a look and I know you are on holiday, but," he dragged the word 'but' out
for emphasis, "I figured here was the chance you had been looking for; a chance to get into the real action. I know you thought
we were babying you when you were placed as the commander of refugee camps. We weren't and you exceeded the expectations Wyldon
and I had when we positioned you at Haven and New Hope. I know you missed the action though which is why I came to you first
when I heard of this. Plus Wyldon and I both agree that you have an excellent, level head on your shoulders. We need that
type of head to sort out the mutiny and restore order to the fort. I'm sorry you didn't get a large piece of the action this
past year. Wyldon and I were, I guess, a tad on the protective side. I know that both of us have come to take a father's interest
in you."
He smiled fondly at her and continued, "I'll be sending you up there to
scout and take whatever actions you deem necessary to put the fort in order. You will have one squad and a small group of
knights. How bout Dom's squad?" he said with a wicked wink.
"Yes sir," Kel replied, her Yamani training keeping
her from showing her extreme excitement.
"As for the knights...let's see.... how about Neal, Quinden, Owen, with
the paint still wet on his shield, and oh Merric. I would really appreciate this. So close to midwinter I would go myself
but the king has decided I had my share of fun this summer and need to stay close to court so I will remember just where my
duties lie."
Taking a seat at his desk Raoul sighed and muttered, "As if I don't remember who
is king."
Kel hid a smile. Raoul was infamous for dodging as many social
events as possible and this close to midwinter Kel knew he had probably searched high and low for an opportunity to escape
the social duties of the upcoming festivals. As much as he'd like to go she knew he couldn't.
picked up a piece of paper that had what looked like blue prints on them and scribbled something on it near the bottom then
waved it in the air to dry the ink and handed it to Kel.
"Here is a
map of the fort and some information you might find helpful," he said. "Be careful. You should be home in time for midwinter.
Just remember, if you get yourself killed I will never speak to you again."
smiled at the joke they shared from when she had been his squire and jousted against Lord Wyldon. She strode out of the room
psyched for another adventure.
H.E. 460 November 5
Three days later the group left the palace. Loaded down with supplies, prepared to fight
their way into the fort if necessary. It was easy riding for the most part. As it was a gorgeous day, most of
the group preferred to spend it riding in a comfortable silence, choosing to enjoy the beauty of nature alone.
Although not many talked, Dom did notice Kel seemed quieter than usual. She had her Yamani face on. The same one
"Meathead" had described when he wrote to Dom about the day Lalasa had been kidnapped. He decided that later he would
confront her.
That night the group stopped by a creek to make camp. After gathering
firewood and starting dinner Kel asked the group for their attention.
Doubtless you know as much as we do," she said gesturing to first herself and then Dom who grinned in return, "But
I thought I would add to your current knowledge. There was a mutiny. Soldiers in the fort got tired of how things
were running. They felt that the Own was being too controlling. A soldier, by the name of Robert, staged a mutiny.
All of the soldiers of the Own have been locked away, treated like prisoners. Rumors have it that Robert is a
Scanran spy."
A few murmurs swept through her crowd at her last comment. Everyone
knew the Scanran peace was tricky. With King Maggur everything was tricky. King Jonathan and Queen Thayet
had established a shaky truce. Under the truce fighting would cease, at least until spring, and peace delegations would
travel to Scanra in March. Hopefully that would end the fighting for good. If a Scanran spy really had infiltrated
a Tortallan fort and caused a mutiny the peace treaty might crumble. If that happened no one wanted to even think how
long the fighting might last.
Her talk lasted for around twenty minutes. After the talk Dom asked if
he could speak with her privately.
After walking for a few minutes in the dark, snow covered forest Dom finally broke the silence.
“I’m worried about you,” he said, anxiety showing in his eyes.
“Me?” Kel asked, falsely bright. “Why?”
"You're not telling us something.
You're holding back some information. What do you know that you're not telling us?" he asked.
“What do you mean?” her Yamani training keeping her voice from quivering.
"What I mean is," his voice becoming somewhat harsh, "that you are keeping something back from us."
His features had become hard, anger present in his voice. Kel became taken aback.
I tell him, she thought. I couldn't possibly. What if the enemy got him? No one knows why it happened.
They could be after any of us. If they found out he knew he would be tortured. Tortured for information, even
if he didn't have any to give. They wouldn't believe him to be ignorant. He might die.
She didn't know that worry crept into her eyes. Lost in her thoughts she did not notice Dom's features soften, concern
creeping onto his face. Kel was looking at the ground, head hung low. She did not see Dom's hand reach toward
her cheek. She barely noticed him brush a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Seeing the hurt on Kel's face,
Dom was justly punished for speaking angrily. A lone tear trickled down Kel's face. Angrily she swiped at it.
I've been trained better than that. How could I let my emotions show?
please," Dom said, his voice quivering.
“Dom I can’t,” she told him, “Please don’t make me.”
Their eyes met, hers, hazel, filled with sorrow, his bright blue, filled with distress.
“Kel, don’t you trust me?” he inquired.
"Of course I do," she said,
eyes brimming. She sat down on a nearby rock and held her head in her hands.
Dom wondered what type of news she possessed that would make her loose control over her emotions. What on
earth could have possibly made her like this? he thought.
"Tell me," he whispered. "I'm worried about you."
She hadn't meant to say anything; she'd meant for nothing to escape.
Instead the words came tumbling out of Kel's mouth.
"Dead; all of them. Gone forever. They're dead and I wasn't
there to help, wasn't there to defend them, I failed them," she said as unwanted tears streamed down her face.
Dom looked over at her, plainly worried. Frustrated she swiped at
her tears, hauled herself to her feet and stalked off. For a moment Dom stood there, shocked. He quickly
recovered and jogged after Kel.
"Kel!" he called. "Kel, wait."
She didn't turn around; she didn't acknowledge him. She was still
a few yards away when he saw her crumble to the ground. When he reached her he found her crying. Not small sniffles
but long, hard sobs that shook her muscular frame. Head buried in her hands she was not aware that Dom had chased after
"Kel," he said, voice cracking with distress. "What on earth is the
She did not look at him; he wasn't even sure she'd heard him. Slowly,
as if approaching a skittish animal, he knelt down next to her. Carefully he drew her into a gentle embrace. As
her sobs grew harder, he hugged her tighter. Gently he rocked her back and forth, all the time uttering soothing sounds.
Looking down at her a thought crossed his mind he had not considered before. Before he could ponder it further, Kel
moved away from him, bringing him back to reality and pushing the thought from his mind
I'm so sorry," she gasped, through restrained sobs. "I never meant
to do that."
Concern etched into his face, Dom asked, "What is the matter? I'm
really worried about you."
She smiled, albeit it was a weak, forced smile, it was all she could muster.
In slow, jerky movements Kel pulled out of one of her pockets a folded up piece of paper. Still shaking she handed it
to Dom. Reaching out to grab the paper their hands brushed. Kel saw something stir in Dom's eyes. Fear?
Excitement? Curiosity? She didn't know what.
After reading it he slowly folded it and returned it to her.
"When?" was all he could say, his voice sounded far and distant.
"Two weeks ago," Kel managed to croak out. "A messenger delievered
the message to me right before we left the palace."
I'm so sorry," he said sincerely. He stood, brushed the snow from
his clothes, turned to Kel, still sitting on the ground, and offered her a hand up.
Kel got to her feet wiping her eyes; she was not paying much attention to
her surroundings. Brushing the snow from her clothes she found herself swept into a tight hug. For a moment she
struggled, it felt so strange to be comforted like this, but she realized it wasn't a bad thing and him hugged back.
Unnoticed by either of them, the folded piece of paper fell to the ground.
H.E. 460
November 5
had noticed Kel and Dom move away from the group. Concerned for their safety he had followed them at a distance in case
trouble arose. They were too close to the border for him to be at ease. He had noticed Kel had her “Yamani
face” on lately and was wondering what had been troubling her. Seeing Kel break down into tears surprised him
and only his palace training kept him from running to comfort her.
After a few moments he noticed a small folded piece of paper fall from the embracing pair. Kel and Dom strode off edging
farther away from the camp. After waiting a few moments before venturing out, Merric walked over and picked up the piece
of paper. Unfolding it revealed a piece of parchment with hurried, jerky writing scribbled across it. The paper
was also smudged. Watermarks the size of teardrops stained the page. Merric began to read:
Dearest Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan,
H.E. 460 October 30
We regret to inform you that there have
been numerous deaths in your family. On this 30th day of October, year 460 of the Human Era an unmarked band of soldiers
rode into Mindelan. They left no one alive. Many believe it was a Scanran attack but as they rode under no flag,
we cannot jump to conclusions or make any accusations. When they attacked all save your brother Anders, and his family,
were at the fief. We are sorry.
Anders asked us to inform you that he
will be returning from his trip to the Yamani Islands as soon as he can and will contact you when he reaches Tortallan land.
Since the winter weather has been so bad he said it might be weeks before he can find passage to Tortall. Because of
our mages we were able to contact him. Inside this letter we have included a short message from him:
Do not do anything rash. Await
my return to Tortall. Upon which we will begin our rebuilding together. Do not act alone.
I know you must be grieving but do not allow your emotions to get the better of you. Please, I love you. Don’t
get yourself killed too. We don’t know who sent those men. They could be after you or me. Stay low
and be cautious.
With love,
Please keep his words in mind as you venture forth in your endeavors. We grieve for your family as well. We knew
them well and their presence will be missed.
With deepest regret,
Coram Smytheson
Your friends at Trebond
Dropping the letter in surprise, horror, and shock Merric began to tear up. He hadn’t known the Mindelan family
well but he had seen some of Kel’s family on progress and they had seemed really nice. Ilane always had a kind
word to say to you and the family had helped Tortall achieve peace with the Yamanis. On top of that he was good friends
with Kel. It hurt him to see her in so much pain. Letting Dom lead Kel away he composed himself, picked up the
letter and trotted back to camp. He would not share this news with anyone. Once Dom returned with Kel Merric planned
to seek him out and talk.
H.E. 460
November 6
The next morning the group set out. If anyone noticed that Kel and Dom rode together more often or that Merric eyed
the pair with concern, they spoke nothing of it. Dom’s men were used to him and Kel and the knights were all too
lost in their own thoughts concerning Scanra.
At noon the group stopped to have lunch. There was no reason to exhaust themselves now. Dom had gone to a nearby
stream to fetch water. Merric noticed this and followed. Kel, who had been sitting in a nearby tree scouting and
testing her lack of fear of heights, saw Merric follow Dom. She was an observant person and had noticed that Merric
had watched her and Dom all day and that the normally quite boisterous man had been somewhat quiet all morning.
Letting Merric get a head start she casually climbed down to the ground and picked up her canteen. After allowing enough
time for Merric to be quite far ahead of her she followed. Coming to a stop near the creek she saw that Merric had confronted
Merric said. “Can I talk to you?”
“Sure,” he replied, very aware that Merric had been quieter than usual all morning long. “What’s
on your mind?”
“Um, well,” Merric looked at the ground, trying to figure out a tactful way to phrase his next statement.
“I uh followed you and Kel last night.”
Merric saw Dom open his mouth to say something but cut him off.
“No,” he said. “Before you comment I want you to hear me all the way through.”
Dom closed his mouth and after a few seconds he nodded.
“I followed you two for safety reasons. We are quite close to the Border and you never know what kind of trouble
could arise with Scanrans. Anyways, I kept my distance but noticed a piece of paper fall to the ground. I picked
it up and read it. I probably shouldn’t have. I had no right to. It was none of my business but I
did. What I read upset me. I haven’t told the others the news, it wouldn’t be proper for me to, but
I think they should know. They care about Kel too and would comfort her. It tears me up inside that Kel must go
through this. I would never want her to go through something this heartbreaking. Kel should at least know in her
time of grief that her friends care about her a great deal and they grieve with her.”
Dom looked his friend in the eye. Dom remembered when they first met. He used to tower over Merric. Giving
him a hard stare now he was somewhat surprised to find their eyes on the same level.
‘I know they are good friends but a lot of what Merric said sounded more like a man with a lover’s interest,
not just a friend’s.’ he thought wryly. ‘I wonder if I should ask.’
Merric noticed Dom’s measuring gaze and looked down. His cheeks were flushed and he was sweaty.
“You really care about her don’t you?” Dom asked.
Merric blushed and replied, “She’s my friend.”
Dom noticed the blush and said with some force behind his voice, “I know. She’s my friend too.”
Merric looked at Dom. The tone of his voice made Merric wary. Dom was definitely not one to be crossed when it
came to those he was protective about. From the way Dom had phrased his last comment it made Merric think Dom cared
for Kel too; maybe to the point of more than just friends. Well that was fine by him.
‘It’s not like I like her,’ he thought. ‘Or that she would ever care if you did,’
said a firmer, more cynical side of his mind.
Dom saw emotion stir in Merric’s eyes. Not knowing what possessed him he grabbed the younger man’s arm and
held it in a fierce grip, preventing careless movements on his captor’s behalf.
“If you hurt her I swear,” Dom threatened, anger burning in his eyes. “You’d better pray hard
to your gods. You’ll need all the help you can get to protect yourself from me.”
Merric jerked out of Dom’s grip and stalked off.
Kel couldn’t hear what they were
saying. At first things looked friendly. Then she saw anger flash in Dom’s great blue orbs. Kel could
not guess what had upset her friend but she stayed hiding and watched. She saw Dom grab Merric’s arm and say something.
Kel watched as Merric wrenched his arm away and stalk off.
Wondering what it was all about she decided
to ask Dom. If she hadn’t been so concerned about her friends or preoccupied with the news from the letter she
would have noticed the regular, odd pattern under scattered leaves and stone. Instead she walked right into a spidren
trap. She opened her mouth to scream and something ooey and sticky slid over her mouth. Kel smelled something
funny, almost like the sleeping gasses she had smelled in the palace museums. Those were kept under close watch and
she had only gotten to smell them with her page class under strict supervision.
Struggling in her bonds Kel noticed the
world growing darker, the heavy fumes of sleeping gas overpowering her senses……….
460 H.E. November 6
Voices. She heard voices.
But from where? Kel tried to open her eyes to see but found she couldn’t. There was a thick blindfold firmly
in place across her eyes. When she went to push it off she found her wrists were shackled. She was slumped across
a rough, stone surface. It was cold. Trying to sit up she noticed her ankles were shackled as well by rough, metal
circles. She didn’t know how long she had been out but judging by the nighttime noises around her she guessed
maybe seven hours. Her mouth was dry; the result of an oversized gag stuffed into it.
“Hey,” a rough male voice
said close to her head. “The wench is conscious.”
They are nobles, she thought. They have been
educated. Not at a regular school either. Their accent sounds like they are from Scanra but their dialect resembles
that of a southern dialect.
Suddenly a very hard, very swift blow struck Kel’s head, putting an end to her thoughts for the moment.
460 H.E. November 6 – mid afternoon
“Has anyone seen Kel?” a frantic voice asked.
No one wanted to face the blue-eyed sergeant to tell him the answer. Finally a tall, gangly man with golden hair stepped
Looking down he replied, “Uh, no sir. She hasn’t been sighted since ‘round noon. We found this
though. We thought you might want to look at it.”
The blond man handed Dom a large stick. On it there was a tacky substance that glowed faintly in the growing dusk.
There was something embedded in the webbing close to the end of the stick. Drawing his belt knife Dom cut it free.
He fetched the handkerchief he kept tucked into the top of his boot – a handy habit he had learned from Kel –
and cleaned the object. Viewing it in the dying light he felt sick. It was the seashell off the necklace he had
given Kel for her birthday.
460 H.E. November 7 – early morning (pre dawn)
At the palace:
Raoul sat there, letter in his hands.
He hadn’t moved for at least ten minutes, the young boy who had carried the letter from Dom to Raoul was sure of that.
Wondering if he was ok the boy ventured a comment.
“Sir, I was told I was to wait
for a return message. Sergeant Domitan of Masbolle tol’ me not t’ come back unless I had one,” he
said quite timidly.
Raoul snapped out of it, somewhat.
“It’ll be a moment Tobe.” Wondering just how much the young boy knew Raoul asked, “Did you hear
Dom and his comrades talking? Do you know what was in this letter?”
“No sir,” he replied.
“Sergeant Dom looked real upset after he an’ Merric had a big fight an’ all this other stuff ‘n’
then when I asked ‘em ‘bout it they both blushed and got all flustered. Later on Dom called me over an’
said he had somthin’ for me to take t’ you. He was really quiet and his eyes were really red ‘n’
puffy. He handed me the letter.”
Raoul looked down at the boy. He
didn’t quite know how to phrase what he knew the boy needed to hear.
“Listen Tobe,” he began.
“Something has happened to Kel. We’re not sure yet where she is but she has been captured. A few months
ago the Scanrans got the Spidrens to work for them as long as they provided land and human food (literally) for the Spidrens.
It seems that a few spidrens captured Kel.”
Tobe looked down at his shoes.
‘I knew somthin’ was gonna’ happen to her. Somethin’ always happens to them that look after
me,’ he thought. Raoul saw the troubled look on Tobe’s face.
“Tobe look at me,” he ordered,
voice commanding but not overly sharp. Tobe looked up and Raoul continued, “We’ll get her back. I
460 H.E. November 7 (late afternoon)
In the forest;
somewhere near the northern border:
“Dom, could I have a word?” a tall, redheaded knight asked.
Sulking near a stream Dom looked over at Merric, their confrontation from the day before still fresh in his mind. Seeing
Merric’s bloodshot eyes his heart softened and he nodded.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Merric said. “I’ll admit it. I have a few feelings
for Kel. I um, think, actually I know that she does not reciprocate. I had Neal make a few inquiries on my behalf,
though I’m still trying to figure out why he consented to do so, and she definitely sees us as just friends.
I’m a jealous man. Yesterday I let my emotions control me. Since I couldn’t have her, I didn’t
want anyone else to get her either. That’s just wrong. She deserves love. I’ve seen the way
she looks at you. You would be good for her. I’m sorry about being so selfish.”
Merric turned and fled. Dom was more confused than ever. ‘I’ve seen the way she looks at you?’
he thought. ‘What way could she possibly look at me? Does she like me? He realized that he
was not surprised or scared to think this. Do I like her? He thought about Kel; the way her eyes sparkled
with life, her hair gleamed, she was gloriously tall, she was so caring, she was an amazing human. ‘What am
I thinking? She’s Kel, my comrade, my friend, Meathead’s accomplice. I can’t think of her like
this. Can I?
A loud snap coming from behind him startled him out his daydreaming. Wheeling around he came face to face with Raoul.
“They’ve got her,”
was all Dom could manage to croak out to Raoul. His lips trembled and his throat caught. It took him a moment
to master his emotions using a meditation technique Kel had taught him. The thought of Kel slowed his progress but he
finally calmed down enough to talk.
Raoul noticed this display of various emotions coming from Dom. He hadn’t realized the two had become so close.
Raising an inquiring eyebrow brought a laugh out of Dom, albeit it was a little wet.
‘Kel used to do that,’ he thought.
‘Stop it,’ he told himself. ‘She’s not dead, just captured. We’ll get
her back.’ A skeptical, more realistic part of his mind said, ‘Are you sure? You’ve heard
all the horror stories; the different types of torture they inflict to get information out of their captives. She could
be dead right now.’
He argued inside his mind, ‘She
doesn’t know anything too terribly secret. She doesn’t have any information to give. Surely her captors
will realize that. Won’t they?’
A thought
hit him. Kel had mentioned a piece of paper Raoul had given her. “Sir, Kel didn’t know anything, um,
important,” he said hopefully. When Raoul didn’t answer he said, “Right?”
Raoul looked away. Realization
struck Dom. For the second time in two days he felt sick. His mind harbored a deep dread that seemed to sink right
into the pit of his stomach.
“Sorry Dom,” Raoul said quietly.
“Maybe her captors don’t know that she has knowledge.”
“You lie!” Dom yelled.
“You sent her up here with more than just information about that fort. She was smuggling some type of information.
You knowingly sent her into harm’s path. And now she’s gone.”
Raoul sank down on a nearby boulder.
“No, Dom. That’s not what happened. Yes she was smuggling some information but there wasn’t
any harm in it. The only people who knew of her whereabouts where those in your squad and the band of knights.”
“Well obviously the enemy knew
as well,” Dom shouted.
Raoul was thinking. While he did
so he let his sergeant blow off steam. If it helped for Dom to yell then so be it. After a few minutes Raoul had
an idea, one that was not too pleasant.
“Dom listen,” he said, interrupting
one of Dom’s yelling sprees. “I think I know what happened.”
At this statement Dom stopped yelling.
‘After all my throat is feeling hoarse and I needed to stop for breath sooner or later,’ he thought to
himself. He did not want to admit that he respected Raoul as a commander and thought highly of his hypotheses and opinions.
Seeing Dom was finished, at least for
the time being, Raoul continued, “I think someone in the group of knights tipped off Scanran searchers. Nothing
has been proven but palace gossip has it that the Lord of Marti’s Hill has been residing in Scanra for the past six
years, not working for the king. Well at least he’s not working for King Jonathan. Many believe he’s
working for King Maggur.”
He paused and gave Dom a moment to process
this before continuing on, “I put Quinden in your group because he’s familiar with the territory and is the most
qualified knight at the palace when it comes to scouting this area, aside from Keladry. Since there was not any evidence
to accuse his family it was expected that I send him with you. I’m sorry. If I hadn’t Kel might still
be with your group.” Dom looked over and saw regret in Raoul’s eyes.
“It’s not your fault,”
he said. “It would have caused an uproar at the palace if you hadn’t sent Quinen with us. People would
have questioned your motives since there is no evidence against the Marti’s Hill family.”
Raoul smiled grimly at Dom. “With
your help we might just be able to get the evidence we need to convict them, or at least Quinden. Maybe,” he said
weakly. “Hopefully,” he began with more force. “He can lead us to Kel.”
Dom nodded and clasped hands with Raoul.
460 H.E. November 8 – early morning
Things had happened quickly after Dom and Raoul’s talk. Many of Kel’s friends had accompanied Raoul.
They included Esmond, Daine, Numair, Buri, and to everyone’s great surprise, the Lioness. Dom thought the King
might object to so many of the realm’s finest congregating in one dangerous spot but when he mentioned this to Raoul
the knight-commander shrugged it off.
“Seems Jon recognizes the value in our Lady Knight. Seeing as she is the one and only Protector of the Small,”
Raoul told Dom. His voice, bitter at the beginning of his comment, had become soft.
Dom saw something flash through the knight-commander’s eyes. Was it anger, sorrow, love?
“We’ll get her back, sir,” he said cautiously.
“I know,” Raoul said. “I just hope it’s before….” The older man swallowed.
He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence.
As soon as Kel had been discovered missing the commanders had begun to form a rescue plan. They had most of it figured
out except for the ‘minor detail’ that they had no idea where she was being held. That’s where they
used Quinden.
Most of the men kept to themselves for the rest of the day. The quiet conversations that went on were few and far between.
After most of the men had bedded down and fallen asleep Dom lay awake. He had kept up the appearance of sleeping for
the past hour. Most of the men had noticed how touchy he had been when it came to the subject of Kel so they left him
alone. Only Raoul knew what Dom had planned for tonight. It was risky and could be considered dishonorable but
it could get them information that was vital to the success of their rescue.
Long after the midnight hour, when the night noises were drowned out by the men’s snores, Dom eased out of his sleeping
roll. Using the moon for light he navigated his way towards Quinden’s packs. Quietly he knelt down beside
the packs. After undoing the ties on Quinden’s personal bag Dom stuck his hand inside and felt around. ‘Was
that paper near the bottom?’ It was! Pulling out sheets of thick, official looking parchment Dom kept
an eye on Quinden. The knight was sound asleep.
‘Funny,’ he thought. ‘If I were a traitor I don’t think there is any way I could be
‘sound asleep’ in a camp full of those I was betraying.’
Quickly Dom redid the ties on the pack and walked towards Raoul, who was on watch. Silently Raoul pulled a long stick
out of his coat pocket. With a nod of thanks Dom accepted the stick and walked along a predetermined path, chosen by
Raoul and him for secrecy and safety, and emerged the base of a cliff. There, Dom spread the papers out and bent the
stick from Raoul in two. From the stick emerged an eerie, bright, green light. It was enough to read the documents
by. Shuffling through them he found confirmation to his suspicions. These were letters to and from Quinden that
verified he was linked to King Maggur and indeed spying for Scanra. Glancing at the dates near the top of the letters
Dom shuffled them until he found recent documents. Finding one addressed to Quinden two days before they set out on
their journey, Dom began to read.
Thank you for all the information you have provided thus far. I expect full reports even while you are with the group
of knights and the squad of the King’s Own. If you will leave your reports hidden behind once you break camp I
will have stormwings retrieve them approximately two hours after your group has left the site. Keladry’s family
died in vain. Our main target in that attack was Kel; a target you assured us would be at Mindelan. Instead we
come to find out that she has forgone a trip home in order to be present for the wedding of Sir Nealan of Queenscove and his
bride, Yukimi noh Daiomoru. If we capture her, your job will be to lead the group away from her. We will be taking
her to a town seven miles due north of where Castle Rathhausak once stood. There is a quite extensive dungeon there
where we can ‘keep her out of the way.’ Keep the Tortallans away!
Do not slip up again
Consider this your final warning
Commander Robert of Rathhausak
Third in command to his imperial highness,
King Maggur
‘Well that answers a lot,’ Dom thought coldly. He wanted this Robert dead. They were after
Kel and he had not protected her. ‘How could I let her wander off?’ he thought to himself.
‘Especially after what Anders said.’
Dom was full of anger towards Robert and King Maggot. He was terribly afraid for Kel’s safety now that he knew
they were specifically after her. Thoroughly depressed and trying to hide it Dom made his way back to the camp.
He took over Raoul’s post and handed him the letters along with the light stick. Raoul could tell from the look
on Dom’s face that the news was not good and went off to read for himself.
460 H.E. November 9
Raoul, sitting atop a large boulder, leaned back and stretched. Looking out across the camp he watched the others get
up greeting the damp morning with grunts of disgust. He looked at Quinden especially; watching for any sign that the
young knight knew his things had been disturbed. When Quinden lazily reached into his bag Raoul’s breath caught.
For a long moment he held it until Quinden’s hand emerged holding a tin cup. Letting out his breath slowly Raoul
congratulated himself on a job well done when he had promoted Dom. He had let the young sergeant replace the documents
in Quinden’s bag and apparently the blue-eyed man had done a very good job.
Seeing Dom emerge from his bedroll puffy eyed, as if he’d been crying, Raoul’s thoughts grew grim. He remembered
the look on Jon’s face when he’d told him who he was taking north to search for Kel. Jon’s face had
been contorted with concern and furry.
“I’m sorry Raoul,”
he said. “But you cannot take those men.”
Raoul stood in front of Jon, head bowed,
anger burning.
“I must,” he said.
“We need this group if we are to reach Kel in time.”
Neither of them spoke of it but they knew that eventually her captors would begin torturing Kel
for information. Both knew full and well it could lead to death.
“Raoul,” Jon spoke carefully.
“You can’t take them. You know what kind of position we are in with Scanra. Plus I cannot risk so
many of our best in one area. Gods forbid something catastrophic happen. Where would Tortall be then? We
would have no protection. Plus what would the conservatives say if they saw she was getting such special treatment?”
“Damn the conservatives!”
Raoul, normally pretty easygoing was not one to cross when angered. “You know what they say anyways. I for
one am not going to risk Kel’s life because I’m afraid of what a cowardly group of conservatives will say.
You are the one who told me to send her on this mission. I will personally hold you responsible if anything happens
to her.” Raoul practically foamed at the mouth.
“Raoul,” Jon pleaded.
“Please calm down. Don’t you see this is folly, you going after her? We can’t afford to send
all these people.”
“Folly?” Raoul shouted.
“Folly? Listen Jon I don’t know where you have been the last few months but we need Kel and by the gods
we are going to get her back.”
Someone knocked at the door.
“Come in,” Jon said, a little
louder than was necessary.
An older man came in. Raoul grimaced.
Because of his shouting the entire palace probably knew what was going on.
“I heard you two down the hall,”
Wyldon of Cavall said quietly. “While you are sitting here arguing about the Lady Knight I thought you might like
to know something. Her family is dead. There was a massacre at fief Mindelan the other day. She and Anders,
along with his family, are the only ones left.”
Silence followed his comment. Raoul
was fuming. He had come to love Keladry like a daughter and for her to have to go through this was almost unbearable.
“What was the date?” Jon
“October 30th,” Wyldon replied.
“Who found out first?” the
king asked.
“Coram Smytheson of Trebond.”
“I didn’t realize they were
so close the Mindelan’s,” Jon said absentmindedly.
“Their fiefs are not that far away,”
Wyldon explained. “After Ilane and Piers returned from the Yamani Islands Coram contacted them. He said
that borderland fiefs ought to stick together. They became pretty good friends and when Ilane mentioned to Coram that
Kel wished to earn her knighthood, the man showed the girl various exercises that would help her keep up with the boys.”
The three
sat, or in Wyldon’s case stood, in silence for a few moments until Wyldon turned to leave.
“Thank you,” Jon said.
Wyldon looked back. “I just thought you should know.” He smiled halfheartedly. “God know
we’ve put this girl through too much for us not rescue her now,” he said, referring to her probation.
Exiting he pulled the door closed firmly. Jon stared after him, lost in his thoughts.
“Excuse me for saying so your highness,” Raoul began with the proper degree of respect in his voice. “But
we owe it to the Lady Knight to provide for an adequate rescue. You’d be surprised too at who all volunteered
to come. I almost had to lock Prince Raold away to keep him from coming with us.”
Jon looked up, shocked. “No,” he said firmly. “We cannot do this. It might hut the peace
treaty we are drawing up.”
Raoul slammed his hand down in frustration, thumping Jon’s hardwood desk with a ham-sized fist (thank you Tamora Pierce…nice
description!!! I know I took it but it worked :) )
“Jon,” Raoul’s voice was cracking with emotion. “Please. I could not stand it if anything
happened to Kel. If you don’t let me take them I’ll quit the own. I’ll go after her by myself
and there’s no telling what I’ll do to the precious little Scanran trash that stands in my way. I might
hurt the peace even more.”
“You wouldn’t,” Jon said. He knew what would happen to Tortall if they lost Raoul as knight-commander
of the King’s Own. Their fighting forces would fall to pieces.
“Are you so sure?” Raoul asked, an angry glint in his eyes.
“Fine,” Jon said. “But I want regular reports from you keeping tabs on everyone in attendance.”
A tap on his shoulder brought Raoul back to reality.
“Want some?” Dom asked holding out a plate full of sausages. They could afford a fire since they were still
on Tortallan soil.
“Thanks,” the knight-commander said.
Thinking about it now Raoul saw he might have been acting somewhat rash. Some of the things Jon had said really had
gotten to him. ‘Oh well,’ he thought. ‘Nothing I can do about it now.’
460 H.E. November 11
“You won’t break me,” Kel cried.
“That’s what you think.” Her captor smiled viciously revealing a perfect smile set in his handsome
but cruel face.
‘What a waste,’ Kel thought. ‘Dom’s smile is better. The blue-eyed sergeant
is much more handsome as well.’ Lately the thought of him was all that got her through the day.
Roughly she was shoved back into her cell after yet another ‘session’ with Commander Robert. Only in the
past two days had they resorted to torture, trying to get her to break down and tell them the information they desired.
After little less than a week in the dungeon Kel looked worse for the wear. She was covered in one thick coat of mud
and blood. Her lip had been split twice and she had a colorful black eye. Hair, thick with grime, hung limp around
her face, which was pale. Kel’s right arm was in a makeshift sling she had made out of a sack. The bone
seemed to be cracked in two places. Bruises, large and small, covered her body. She wasn’t sure how much
more of this she could take when a large hand shoved something through a flap in her cell door. Crawling over to the
flap she found a bowl half filled with cold, watered down soup. Sipping greedily, it was her first meal in days, she
did not notice a person being shoved into a cell next to hers. Putting the bowl down she curled up in a corner, exhausted.
The lack of food and extent of torture made her eager to sleep even though it was on a cold, hard, rough stone floor.
Closing her eyes she drifted into an uneasy slumber.
“Get up you lazy bitch,” a voice screamed nearby.
‘No!’ Kel’s mind screamed in protest as she tried to open her eyes. It could only have been
two hours since she had lain down.
A sharp pain in her side made Kel open her eyes. A wide, tall man towered over her, foot poised to kick again.
Kel sat up trying to keep her emotions hidden; she could not stifle a small moan, she was sore all over.
“Come on,” the man spat. “The master requests your presence.”
Grabbing her arm he yanked off the floor and out of her cell. She was dragged up a filthy flight of stairs, wincing
as the sharp stones that made up the stairs cut into her feet. ‘I must’ve lost my shoes somewhere,’
she thought. They entered a dimly lit
corridor. Chains, whips, and other disturbing instruments hung from the walls. The guard pulled Kel to a door
and fumbled in his pockets for keys. In exhaustion Kel sagged to the floor only to be yanked up by the guard, who had
grabbed her bad arm. Kel could not suppress a small squeak of pain, and for it was smacked into a nearby wall.
Head slamming against the coarse stones, Kel’s vision went dark…
460 H.E. November
“Listen,” Raoul’s commanding voice carried over the group of silent men easily. “Quinden is
off ‘scouting’ with a group of trusted men. He will not be back for at least three hours, which gives us
time. Here is the plan. Quinden and a group of men will split off from us and head west to check out Mindelan.
We will tell Quinden that we are heading east, staying on Tortallan soil, to visit the fort with the mutiny. The mutiny
in reality was cleared up a few days ago. Robert left, probably to resume his work in Scanra now that they’ve
captured Kel. We will really head up to the dungeon they are holding Kel in. Hopefully we will be able to get
her back…” he swallowed. “Alive.”
Dom stood and went to stand beside the knight-commander.
“Right,” Dom said. “Now we need to figure out who is going with Quinden and who is going to save Kel.
All those with Quinden, hands!”
Hands went up around the circle. Dom pointed to five men. “You go with Quinden. Two of those with
him now will accompany you. Be very careful to keep Quinden in the dark.”
They nodded. “The rest of you are with us,” Raoul said.
They could hear the sentries’ horn calls saying people were approaching. After they heard the answering call meaning
‘We’re friends,’ the group dispersed; they knew Quinden was back.
Dom brushed Hoshi intently. He
was thinking about Kel.
‘Gods,’ he thought.
‘Why do I keep thinking about her? Yes we were friends but we were only friends. We weren’t even that
close. She’s just so…what was she? She was pretty, in a natural way, she was kind, loving, always
putting others ahead of herself…. always trying to improve herself…. she’s amazing. Mithros, why am
I having these thoughts?’
He sent a silent prayer up to any listening
gods to protect Kel and trotted off to find Raoul.
460 H.E. November 13
‘One week,’ Kel thought. ‘It’s been one week since I came to this place.
How long till I’m rescued? Will I even be rescued? What if they don’t know where to look.’
Generally optimistic, Kel’s mood was rapidly deteriorating due to her conditions. Thinking of Dom with a sudden
pang of sadness a cool part of her mind told her, ‘Don’t be silly. Of course they’ll figure out
a way to find you.’
The time she had spent in the dungeon had begun to show on Kel’s body. Covered in dried blood and mud, her lip
had been split again, she thought she might have a concussion, a nasty bump covered the back of her head, her arm was a constant
source of throbbing, her back was covered in whip marks. Fainting spells had become part of her daily norm. She
couldn’t help it. It almost seemed as if her captors were not letting her get a solid sleep in on purpose.
‘Why would they do such a thing?’ she thought. ‘Because tired people let more slip,’
replied a Yamani part of her mind. ‘Of course,’ she muttered to herself. ‘If I’m
tired I won’t be able to concentrate as hard on keeping information from them. Isn’t life just perfect?’
She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a certain pair of very intense, blue eyes.
Barking? Why was Dom barking? Wait Dom wasn’t barking, he was standing there, amazingly handsome, blue eyes
shinning in the sun, hair gleaming as the wind blew tufts of it into his face. But where was the barking coming from?
Something wet and cold touching her hand brought Kel back to reality. She opened her eyes to see wall of dark stones.
The cause of wetness was a small drip from the ceiling that was falling on her hand. ‘I was dreaming,’
she thought sadly hearing the barks of dogs in the distance. ‘That’s all it was. But Dom?
Why was I dreaming of Dom?’
Pulling herself into a sitting position Kel looked around. Through the bars near a drain she could see a figure huddled
in the cell next to hers.
“Hullo,’’ she whispered.
She saw the figure spring to his feet, hand going to his waist as if expecting a weapon to be there.
“Calm down,” she said quietly. “It’s just me.”
The figure came over and knelt down near the bars. “Hullo,” he said. “Captain Marcus.
Who might you be?”
Her throat was so dry that Kel’s answer emerged as a croak. “Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan.”
He looked surprised. She could make out his features in the dim light. They were strong; his nose, his chin, his
lips, all adding to the forcefulness of his face. “Mindelan,” he said. “Isn’t that in
Kel nodded and the captain’s face broke into a smile. “Mithros!” he exclaimed. “Finally,
I’m not the only Tortallan in this dump.” He looked down at her, face thoughtful. “My you look
like you’ve been through a lot.”
Kel tried to force herself to smile. Managing a weak grin she said, “Nope. I’ve only been through
a little.”
“That’s right,” a deep voice boomed behind Kel making her jump what felt like a mile. “You’ve
still more to go through, or did you forget about your little meeting with the Master today.”
The man in the next cell saw Kel wince and close her eyes. There was obvious discomfort on her face as the guard yanked
her up by her bad arm. ‘He seems to have a nice little habit of doing that,’ she thought to herself
as she was dragged away.
460 H.E. November 16
Neal watched his cousin thoughtfully. 'Mithros, please help us find Kel,' he thought. Adding as an afterthought,
'Alive.' Dom's eyes were red as if he'd been weeping again. Trying to keep a cheerful face Neal strode
over to him.
"Hey lover boy," Neal said clapping his cousin on the shoulder.
Dom scowled. 'How can he joke at a time like this?' he thought. "Hi Nealan," he sighed.
Neal's worry deepened. He couldn't remember the last time his cousin had called him by his full name. To Dom,
Neal was always Meathead. "You okay?" he asked.
Dom could not take it anymore. "Do I look okay to you?" he rounded on his cousin. "Kel's captured, for gods' sake
she's probably being tortured right as we speak, before she was taken she had heartbreaking news and there isn't a damn thing
I can do for her. This stupid blizzard will put us behind at least week if not more and you expect me to be okay?"
Neal watched his cousin. Dom had had friends captured before. Sometimes it was months before they were able to
attempt a rescue. Of course Neal had seen Dom worry over his friends but he had never been overly emotional. 'I
think there's more to Dom's feelings…maybe he really does love her,' he thought. "Sorry Dom," Neal said and
walked away.
Camped in a cave, waiting out the end of the blizzard, made everyone on edge.
"How much longer?" Alanna asked Raoul.
He looked down at her, "Two more days at least. Numair said he was in contact with the weather mages at the palace and
they say were in it for at least that if not more."
"I'm sorry," she said. "I know you care about Kel."
"If she died out there," Raoul told Alanna. "I'll never forgive myself. After all I was the one who sent her on
this mission."
"You didn't know what was going to happen. No one could have known," Alanna tried to comfort Raoul.
"I guess," he sighed. "If she gets out of this alive I want to adopt her," he said, abruptly changing the subject.
Alanna smiled. "I think that would be very good for the both of you."
Raoul's coal-black eyes were bright as he looked at the Lioness. "She's barely eighteen, she didn't deserve the heartbreak
that comes with loosing your family."
The Lioness nodded grimly as she recalled her own experiences of family deaths.
"Gods I'm stupid," Raoul muttered with a crooked frown. "Here I am going on about that when I know full and well that
you too lost your family. Sorry Alanna."
She grinned up at the man who had been her protector in her page days, "I came to terms with it a long time ago. Besides
I have Sir Myles now and Eleni….and George." She said her husbands name with a playful wink. Raoul smiled
but Alanna saw the worry creep back into his eyes. She took one of his giant hands in her small ones and gave him a
reassuring squeeze. "We'll get her back, Raoul. Trust me. I know we will."
"Sir Meathead!"
Neal grimaced. He thought he'd been able to sneak around Dom and head for the fire. "Yes Dom?" he asked.
"Care to take a stroll with me?"
"Sure," Neal replied uncertainly.
"Great," Dom said slinging an arm around Neal's shoulders. He led him towards the cave entrance. Dom sat on the
stone floor and motioned for Neal to do the same.
They sat in silence, watching the swirling white snow dance outside. After a while Neal cleared his throat. "Dom,
what if we get there too late?" he asked.
Dom looked down. He had played the scene out many times in his head. "I suppose we will fetch the body and conduct
a proper burial," he said, sorrow present in his voice.
"I'm so worried. I'm also sorry about this morning," Neal admitted. "I should be more aware of others feelings."
"It's ok," Dom said. "Mithros knows we need the humor."
Neal smiled as Merric and Owen joined them at the cave entrance. Merric avoided looking at Dom and sat himself on the
other side of Neal, who in turn noticed this. 'No use worrying about it now,' he thought to himself. 'I'll
ask Dom later.'
"It's going to be jolly, us riding in and rescuing Kel," Owen said. The others smiled at Owen's endless optimism.
"Everything's 'jolly' to you," Neal said, his voice dripping with mock-disdain. "Even early mornings."
Owen punched Neal lightly on the arm. "Mornings are the best part of a day," he said before getting up and retreating
farther into the cave.
Neal scowled in mock-disgust at Owen's disappearing back.
"That's it?" Numair cried. "That's all you have for me?"
"Keep your voice down," a hushed voice said. "Do you want to wake the whole camp? Look I told you this was farfetched
to begin with and I said you probably wouldn't find out what you wanted to know."
"But Daine, you've done it before," Numair whispered.
"I know that but before I wasn't in the middle of an overcrowded cave, stuck in the middle of a blizzard and trying to reach
animals in the middle of another country. Use your brain Numair."
"Sorry Daine," he ruffled her hair. "I was just thinking how much it would mean to Raoul and Alanna if we could actually
get a precise location on Kel. Thanks for trying."
"No problem," she said and started to walk off.
"Daine," Numair called.
She turned around and faced him.
"I love you," he whispered, drawing her into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for trying to help. I didn't mean
to sound so ungrateful before."
She kissed him and said, "I know silly. You're stressed and I understand that. We all care about Kel. Everyone
knows she cares about animals as much as humans. At the palace she is one of the kindest people when it comes to looking
after animals. I'm worried about Jump. He misses Kel. So does Peachblossom."
"Don't worry about things you can't control," Numair said before he swept her into a passionate kiss. He slowly let
her go, taking her hand and entwining his fingers through hers.
"Oh you hypocrite!" Daine teased and allowed herself to be led to the bedroll they shared.
"So how's my ex-squire holding up?" Alanna asked Neal cheerfully.
"About as well as a Carthaki soldier facing a…" Neal began to reply.
"Stop," Alanna interrupted Neal. "Sometimes you are just too frank for even me. Seriously though," Alanna added.
"She is your best friend."
Neal picked up on Alanna's use of the word 'is' instead of 'was' and smiled gratefully at her. "Yes. She is,"
he reflected. "I don't know why I'm not getting more worked up about this. I mean after all she has been captured
and faces possibly death. I have this gut feeling though. It's like I know we will be able to get her back.
As much as she and I cluck over each other, we really do have confidence in the others abilities. She can handle herself
until we get there."
Alanna eyed Neal skeptically. "Do you really believe that?" she asked cautiously.
Neal actually paused a moment and reflected. "No," he finally admitted. "Not really. But I feel better saying
it." He took a deep breath and became unusually serious. "Lady Alanna, I'm scared for her. She knows something
important. Raoul didn't mention what she knew but it's no trivial matter. They won't stop at anything till she
gives them the information. If I know Kel she won't ever give them the information if it will endanger Tortallans.
I don't know what I will do if we get there too late. She's my best friend." He looked down, tears in his eyes.
"Neal," Alanna began softly. "We'll get her back."
460 H.E. November 20
'Two weeks,'
thought grimly. 'Two weeks I've been here.'
"Hey," a distant
voice interrupted Kel's thoughts. "Hey!" the voice cried a touch louder.
Kel moaned.
It was all she could manage. "Guards," a voice called close by. "May I be allowed in
that prisoners cell? Just for a moment?"
There was
loud creaking nearby, Kel tried to open her eyes to see what it was but found she didn't have the strength. All she
knew at the moment was pain. 'They still haven't gotten anything from me,' she reflected with satisfaction.
It had been a long two weeks, filled with torture, insults, beatings, but she had gotten through them—the guards hadn't
even come to her in two days. 'I know I should be wary of what they'll do next, no doubt they're cooking up something
really nasty, but at least they've left me alone the past two days,' she thought to herself.
"You there,"
a nearby voice said. "Come on. Wake up."
Kel wanted
to, but try as she might she could not snap out of her oblivion. All she could do was moan. She tried to keep
quiet but her body forced sounds out of her. Something cool was pressed against her forehead. Her pounding headache
eased ever so slightly. A soft yellow light penetrated the darkness inside her head. 'Where's the yellow coming
from?' she asked herself.
After a few
moments she found she could open her eyes. She looked around for her source of newfound strength and found it in the
man Marcus who, at the moment, was leaning against the wall of her cell panting and looking somewhat pale. Seeing her
open her eyes he smiled. Kel tried to sit up but couldn't. Strong hands gripped her and gently pulled her into
a sitting position.
she tried to say, but it emerged as a breathless croak.
The man held
a small bowl to her lips and said, "Drink."
After a few
sips Kel leaned back and closed her eyes, the effort to drink had exhausted her. In the two weeks she had been in the
dungeon she had gone from being extremely healthy to being on the brink of death. Her captors failed to acknowledge
a prisoner's need for food, sleep, and water. Her last meal had been a scant bowl of watery soup four days ago and before
that a piece of stale bread two days before. She hadn't had water in days. Finally she could sleep, her captors
had been leaving her alone for the most part. But sleep did not help her much when she lacked food and water.
Her pounding
headache had returned. Once again she felt coolness against her forehead and the blackness that enveloped her was pushed
away by a soft yellow light. Opening her eyes she found Marcus's hand on her forehead, worry in his eyes. "You've
lost a great deal of blood," he said. "And you have a pretty bad concussion. You need a serious healer.
I don't have much power. If we don't get you to one soon…" at this he broke off and shrugged as if he didn't know
what would happen.
Kel knew.
'I'll die,' she thought. 'I'll die and never see my friends again. No I won't let that happen.
I've got to be rescued soon.' She attempted a smile and managed a feeble one.
However it
was good enough for Marcus. "You should sleep," he said ruefully. "I will check up on you in a few hours."
He helped her to lie down and left for his own cell.
"Keladry it's time to wake up," a soft, masculine voice said close to Kel's ear.
Her eyes fluttered open and she mustered a half smile up at Marcus. He helped her sit up and held another bowl to her
lips. She drank the contents, watered down soup, and leaned back against the cold wall. She pressed her head against
the cool rocks. It felt good. Marcus noticed what she was doing and held his hand to her forehead. "You've
got a fever missy," he said grimly.
She nodded to show she understood but stopped when she found it made her head pound. "Oh well," was all she could think
of to say. "What are you in here for?" she suddenly asked.
Marcus turned a brilliant shade of red and looked down. "Aiding and abetting a criminal."
Kel looked surprised. 'He doesn't look like the type who helps criminals,' she thought coolly to herself.
Marcus noticed her look and said, "The criminal was a Scanran woman who wanted to join the army. I helped her.
She disguised herself as a man and I helped her get in. We were found out though. She escaped on a ship bound
for the Yamani Islands. I wasn't so lucky."
Kel looked stunned. "I'm sorry," was all her tired mind could come up with.
He smiled at her crookedly. "I'm not," he said cheerfully. "She got what she wanted and I was able to help.
So you're a knight from Tortall and you're a woman?"
She nodded again stopping quickly because of her sore head.
"Amazing," Marcus whispered. "I haven't been to Tortall in years. Well to be more precise, decades. Two
if you really want to get technical. Last time I was there I was eight."
Kel raised one eyebrow ever so slightly, startling a bark of laughter out of Marcus.
"Our crops weren't doing well and father decided he'd had enough. He sold our farm and we moved into Scanra; he wanted
to become a fur trader. He was furious when he found out about the Lioness, even more so when I said I wished that more
were like her. Father and I never got on well so when he passed a few years ago mother and I moved closer to the border;
we we're trying to eventually make it back to Tortall. Still there was a lot of fighting there and like any good son
I was concerned for her safety so we stayed well away from the border. We never got much news of the goings on in Tortall.
When father was alive he never wanted it and mother just wasn't interested. I guess her disinterest didn't quite pass
on to me. I have always wanted to return to Tortall. She died about two years ago so I sold our land and began
to make my way into Tortall. That's when I ran into Anna. I helped her get into the army. She got away and
here I am." He finished his long story with a gorgeous smile similar to one that belonged to a certain blue-eyed sergeant
she knew.
'Dom,' she thought with a pang of sadness. 'Mithros I miss Dom! He's so handsome and I'm sure he'd have
figured out a way to escape here by now.'
"Sorry," he apologized. "Normally I don't give long speeches."
She smiled up at him. "It's ok," she said truthfully. "It was nice to have a distraction. I'm sorry about
your mother."
Sadness crept into Marcus's eyes; a sadness Kel was all too familiar with herself. "It's ok. She's happier now,"
he forced himself to say. "What about your parents. What are they like?"
He saw Kel quickly look down, but not before he noticed tears forming in sad eyes. "They were the best parents I could
ever ask for."
Marcus picked up on her use of 'were' as opposed to 'are'. "I'm sorry," he told her quietly. After a moment of
slight hesitation he prodded gently, "I don't mean to pry, but when?"
"October 30th of this year," Kel managed to say.
"Oh I'm so sorry Keladry."
"I'll get over it," she said to him, falsely bright. "I suppose all pain passes in time."
"Most pain," he said. His eyes became distant; hate crept into them along with sadness.
'Wonder what happened,' Kel thought to herself. She didn't notice that concern crept onto her face; being
tired kept her from being able to hide all of her emotions.
Marcus observed this and forced himself to smile. "Life is what you make of it," he told her with a sigh.
Kel forced herself to grin; thinking of her parents had brought back emotions she didn't want to deal with. Her headache
was getting worse causing lines to crease across her forehead. Marcus noticed.
"Time for sleep," he said. "I'll wake you the next time there's food or water."
"G'night," Kel said already drifting off to sleep, a very gorgeous, blue-eyed sergeant entering her dreams. She did
not notice a cool hand rest on her forehead or the concerned face of Marcus leaning over her, pouring as much healing magic
he could spare into her.
"Lady Keladry!" a male voice shouted. "Wake up!"
Groggily Kel
opened her eyes.
coming. The guards are calling on the horn and everyone's yelling," Marcus told her.
Kel looked
around and could see Marcus straining to see down the hallway.
"Hope it's
a good thing," Kel muttered. She put her hands to her throbbing head and closed her eyes. Marcus saw this and
walked over to Kel. He put his hands on her head and tried to relieve some of her pain.
"Maybe this is a rescue attempt," he tried to keep his voice optimistic.
Kel's moan was the only response.
"What the hell are you doing?" a rough voice shouted nearby. Looking up Marcus saw a guard swooping down on him.
Scrambling out of the way just in time he avoided a hard blow that had been aimed at his head. Instead the guard's fist
smashed into the solid iron bars that made up the cell wall. Cursing fluently the guard looked around for Marcus.
"Why the hell are you helping that wench? She's worth nothing."
Marcus spat at the guard's feet. The guard charged at Marcus who leapt out of harm's way at the last possible second.
The guard went flailing into the iron bars. Screaming in rage he picked himself up and looked wildly about for Marcus.
"I'll deal with you later," he swore and yanked Kel up by one arm, dragging her out of the cell and slamming the iron door
shut behind him.
Something hit Kel hard in the ribs, making her wince. She tried to look around but found she was blindfolded.
Kel bit down a feeling of panic. She was shackled; wrists in cuffs that felt as if they hung from the ceiling, ankles
bound together by chain and coarse rope. 'Good thing these cuffs are holding me up,' she thought ironically.
'If not I think I would collapse.'
"Now you little hoar," an oily voice said from behind her. "Tell us what you know or we shall be forced to dispose of
"Never," Kel spat.
A hot flash of pain streaked across her back. The man had picked up his whip. "Tell me!" he roared. This
time he did not wait for a reply as he repeatedly struck her.
'Water,' Kel desperately thought. 'I am as stone; I am as water.' It kept her thoughts together,
even if it did nothing to lessen the pain.
There was a harsh banging on the door to the workroom. The man stopped his menace and went to answer the door.
The sound of a sword slicing through bone startled Kel.
"She's in here," an elated, male voice called.
'I know that voice!' Kel thought, her spirits brightening. "Owen?!?!" she cried.
She could hear footsteps running down a hall. They were very close. Hands were fumbling around her head trying
to remove her blindfold. The first face she saw was Dom's.
"Kel!" his blue eyes became misty, voice shaky with relief. 'Thank you Mithros for helping us get to her,' he
thought. 'Gods she looks like she's almost dead. She's so thin, and her injuries… Great Mother
Goddess help Kel.'
"I've got the keys," an older woman's voice sounded near by. Kel looked around.
"Lioness?" She breathed in awe as her hero pulled keys off a dead guards belt.
Alanna smiled and reached up to unlock Kel's wrists. Realizing she was too short she shook her head and handed the keys
off to Owen. Dom caught Kel as she sagged to the floor, no longer supported by her wrists. The past two weeks
catching up with her, Kel dropped off into a dead faint. She was oblivious to her friends rejoice in finding her and
their concern at finding her in such a state. She was unknowingly carried out of the dungeon by Dom to a nearby encampment
were Neal and Alanna began to work on her immediately hoping it wasn't too late.
460 H.E. November 26
“I think she’s waking up,” an anxious voice whispered.
‘Dom!’ Kel thought. She forced her eyes open with a surge of effort.
“Oh Kel,” Dom said and brushed his lips against hers. “Thank the gods we have you back.”
Kel smiled sweetly and tried to sit up but found she was too weak. Dom noticed what she was trying to do and helped
her to sit up, strong hands supporting her until she had settled against a stack of pillows. “How long was I out?”
she asked blushing as their hands brushed.
“Six days,” Neal said as he strode over to her bed carrying a large tray. “I’m surprised you
came around this soon. With all the healing you needed.” He smiled cheerfully but Kel noticed his eyes were
“Neal what’s the matter?” she asked him as he set the tray down on her bedside table.
“Nothing,” he told her. “You need to eat,” he gestured toward the tray he’d set down,
which was laden with food. “Then more sleep. The healing Lady Alanna and I put into you will have drained
you more than you can imagine.” Seeing she was about to protest he put a finger to her mouth. “No
arguing,” he told her. “I’m the healer and what I say goes.”
Looking over at the food Kel realized how hungry she was. ‘Of course,’ she thought to herself.
‘I haven’t had a proper meal in literally weeks.’ She tried to reach over to the food but found
she didn’t have the strength. Just trying to lift her arm forced her to lean back and take a few steadying breaths.
Dom saw this and picked up a bowl of soup from the tray.
“Here,” he said soothingly as he spooned up some soup. Patiently he fed her.
Being fed made Kel feel more helpless than she ever had. ‘Gods give me back my strength soon!’ she
thought as she ate. As soon as she was finished she leaned back and closed her eyes. ‘Mithros I’m
tired,’ she commented to herself. Quickly she drifted off to sleep.
Alanna, Raoul, Wyldon, Dom, and Neal were gathered in the healer’s office off of the infirmary some time later.
“How is she going to be?” Dom asked.
“It’s hard to tell,” Lady Alanna answered truthfully. “She’s lost so much blood and she
was improperly nourished for almost three weeks. Her body has taken serious damage.” Alanna swallowed and
stopped speaking, it was Neal who continued for her.
“She had a pretty serious concussion and the loss of blood was drastic. It will take some time for her to regain
her old strength, if she does.” At this he looked down.
“What do you mean if?” Dom asked angrily.
“I mean exactly what I just said,” Neal told him pointedly. “If!” Neal shouted
before he stood up and strode outside, frustration in his face.
Raoul walked over to Dom who looked as though he was going to explode. He clasped his shoulder. “Easy there,”
he said. “We have her back, thank the gods. It’s only a matter of time before she’s better.”
He looked pleadingly at Alanna to find reassurance but found only sorrowful eyes. “Alanna,” he said softly.
“What else is wrong?”
“Well Kel has lost a considerable amount of blood,” she began.
“You’ve mentioned that already,” Wyldon growled.
“Yes, yes,” Alanna said quickly. “I know. It just seems that well we can’t do anything
about it. I don’t know why but she has some type of shield around her. I can’t break it. We
can only work small spells on her. It’s frustrating. We need Numair back here but the king said it would
be at least two days. I told the king not to order Numair to return to the palace until after we had Kel, but no he
has to….” She broke off and stormed out of the infirmary.
Dom looked haunted. “Someone still wants her dead,” he whispered before returning to the room Kel was in.
“He’s hurting,” Wyldon commented quietly to Raoul after Dom had left.
“I know,” Raoul replied. “They both are,” he said, meaning Dom and Neal. “But there’s
not much we can do until Numair comes except make Kel comfortable and wait.”
“Maybe you should talk with Neal, he is her best friend and he’s obviously shaken up about this, try as he might
not to show it.”
Raoul nodded and went outside.
Kel was thrashing in her bed, moaning and screaming. “No, don’t hurt him!” Dom witnessed this and did not know what to do.
‘She’s obviously having a nightmare,’ he thought to himself. ‘Who wouldn’t have
nightmares after coming back from that dungeon.’ He walked over to her and tried to wake her up but he could
not get her to regain consciousness. He took her hands in one of his and rested a cool hand across her forehead, all
the time uttering soothing noises. Kel’s screaming subdued to the occasional moan and her movements calmed, although
Dom could still see the dream plagued her.
460 H.E November 27
“Neal, may I have a word with you?” Raoul’s voice was strained.
Dark thunderheads rolled overhead and the sky was considerable dark for three in the afternoon. Neal nodded as fat raindrops
began to fall. “Yes, sir.”
Raoul frowned. “We haven’t sat on formalities since the day I met you,” he said. “Your
cousin ruined that, remember?”
Neal turned to face Raoul, sorrowful green eyes searching Raoul’s coal-black orbs. “Raoul,” he said
stiffly. “She might not live.”
Raoul sat down under the overhang off of the infirmary that was keeping off the rain and sighed. “I know, Neal,”
he told the young man carefully. “But we have to hope.”
“Raoul,” Neal’s tone went up. “Damn it, she’s my best friend. Loosing her is just
something I cannot cope with. Normally I would turn to Dom. He’s wonderful at helping people in tough situations;
but I can’t. He’s head over heals for Kel and if she dies I’m afraid he’ll do something stupid.”
Neal looked down, tears in his eyes.
“Neal,” Raoul addressed him carefully. “You need to talk to Dom.”
“I will,” Neal told him. After a moment’s pacing under the awning Neal came to a stop in front of
Raoul, fists clenched in frustration. “Mithros! I’m supposed to be a healer and I can’t do a
damn thing to help her. I feel so helpless.”
Raoul stood and stretched. “Neal,” he said quietly. “Being here for her is helping her more
than you will ever know. Until she has her strength back, all we can do is love and support her.”
Neal sighed and strode off into the rain, back hunched with sorrow.
Kel awoke with a start. “Where’s Marcus?” she asked anxiously.
“Marcus?” Dom repeated. He had not left her side but a few times in the past week, when he did it was under
orders. Now he eyed his love apprehensively.
“Marcus,” Kel said fretfully. “We need to go back and get Marcus.”
“Kel,” Dom spoke slowly. “Who is Marcus?” Kel was about to answer but she was exhausted.
Already she was begging to nod off to sleep. Dom saw this. “Never mind,” he said quietly, lips brushing
her forehead. “Tell me later.”
In her dream they were all there. Her family was surrounding her. For the first time in the past month, Kel was
happy. Laughing and trading stories with her father, sharing secrets with her mother, lounging about with her sisters,
practicing unarmed combat with her brothers; life was wonderful. Kel and Ilane were squaring off for glaive practice.
They were in a field, surrounded by waving grasses. The sun shone brightly overhead and Kel could see her horse in the
distance grazing peacefully in the fields. The calm outdoor noises were interrupted, replaced by the thundering of hooves.
Kel looked around, mind frantic, Yamani mask in place searching for the disturbance. She saw it. In the distance,
coming closer, and closer to where she and Ilane were, a company of Scanrans was bearing down, ready to strike. Kel
and her mother turned and faced the invaders, ready for battle.
It happened so fast Kel couldn’t think. They slaughtered them; each and every one of her family members faces
flashed before her screaming before their Scanran enemies rendered them lifeless. Kel was the only one left, even Anders,
who in reality had escaped this senseless fiasco, was brutally murdered before her, eyes pleading for the assistance Kel could
not give. Kel herself was bound and gagged; her captors making her watch each execution. Kel tried to shut her
eyes, but the images of her family being destroyed were burned into her eyelids; she could not block them out. Finally
it was over. Kel found herself in the field, sky the color of blood. She was alone. Even the animals had
fled; those that had not escaped had been slaughtered as well. A cold darkness crept over the land and Kel found herself
succumbing to the despair. Her mind gave up and she passed out.
Waking frantically Kel found her eyes were streaming. ‘Oh gods,’ Kel thought. ‘They’re
really gone.’
Dom had been watching Kel as she dreamed. She had thrashed and screamed; he had tried to calm her but it was to no avail.
Now she lay there, tears pouring down her face, looking as if she had lost her soul. Looking around Kel spotted Dom
and hung her head, ashamed for him to see her in tears. Dom sat on the edge of her bed and slipped his arm around Kel.
He hugged her tight to his body, brushing his hand over her hair. “Shhh,” he cooed, gently rocking her back
and forth, careful of her injuries.
Kel mastered herself after a few minutes, already feeling the nagging edge of exhaustion, and looked into his eyes.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you, too,” Dom told her, meaning every word. Kel allowed Dom to wipe her tears away and nodded when
he asked if she was hungry. Kel’s spirits lifted slightly; nodding did not make her head pound as hard as it had
and she was now able to feed herself with her good arm. Dom sat by her the entire time keeping up a steady stream of
small talk. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked her gently.
“Later,” she replied looking
down. “It was their deaths.”
“Sorry Kel,” Dom said soothingly,
knowing to whom she was referring to.
Kel smiled at Dom who reached over and
carefully brushed a lock of her gleaming brown hair behind her ear. It had grown to an inch below her shoulders.
During her meal, Kel recounted her first encounter with Marcus because Dom asked. By the time Kel finished her meal
she felt halfway human and had, for the most part, pushed her nightmare to the back of her mind, where it plagued her less.
Neal came in and made her drink something that tasted awful vile. “You can’t overdo it Kel,” he told
her cheerfully. Kel noticed that worry still coursed through Neal’s eyes but before she could address the matter,
Kel felt herself becoming very sleepy. Dom helped to lie back and brushed his soft lips against hers. Smiling
up at him she drifted off to sleep; one she hoped would be more peaceful than her last.
For the first
time since her rescue Kel slept peacefully. No nightmares, no pain, no memories. Awaking she looked around.
At her feet she saw Dom slumped in a chair and snoring lightly. She smiled remembering the way her heart had surged
with warmth when he said he loved her. Kel looked out the window and saw it was near dusk. There was a pitcher
and some empty cups next to her bed so she filled one with water. It was warm but it helped clear the stickiness from
her mouth (a/n: so sue me; it’s not an original phrase).
Kel had tried to keep quiet in order to not wake Dom but she failed. In a flash Dom was awake and asking her if she
needed anything. Kel smiled. “No Dom,” she told him. “I’m fine.”
“Well yes you are fine,” he drawled. “You are the essence of fine, but are you feeling fine?”
Kel nodded and smiled. As her thoughts drifted her Yamani mask slipped into place. Dom noticed this and asked
more seriously, “Kel, what’s the matter?”
“Well,” she began not knowing how to approach the topic. “I was thinking about Marcus.”
Dom knew it was unlikely that Kel saw Marcus as anything more than a friend but he was somewhat intimidated by this man who
he had never met. “I see,” he said carefully.
“Oh Dom,” Kel said, with only a hint of exasperation in her voice. “It’s not like that.
He’s my friend. He helped me when I needed it the most. I see nothing in him whatsoever except a kind person,
no more. I have no romantic interest in him at all.” Kel paused and looked at him with a wicked glint in
her eyes. “Jealous?” she asked straight-faced. Only her eyes betrayed to Dom that she was amused.
“Of course, my love,” Dom told her as he gently brushed a strand of her hair out of Kel’s face.
Kel grinned, but after a moment her face became serious. “Honestly Dom,” she said quietly. “I
love you. But he is my friend and I don’t want anything terrible to happen to him.”
Dom took the hand on her good arm in one of his and squeezed it gently. “Of course,” he said. “I
will speak to Raoul today.”
may I have a word?” an elated sergeant of the King’s Own asked the pacing knight commander standing before him.
Raoul was in his office surrounded by
piles of papers. Looking up he saw Dom and nodded, gesturing to a chair in front of his desk. Dom sat, as Raoul
asked, “So, how is Kel?”
“Fine,” Dom replied.
“She seems to be improving rapidly. Although she is still rather weak both Alanna and Neal think she will make
a full recovery. Though they said Numair is still working on the spell that guards her against the healers’ magic.
He has yet to break them.” Dom neglected to tell the older man that Kel still had trouble sitting up by herself
and her arm was not healing properly. He also kept to himself that Kel still had many dizzy spells, compliments of her
concussion, and although she was eating properly, she was still malnourished.
‘Dom seems much happier now that
Kel is doing better,’ Raoul thought. ‘That’s good. I hated seeing him so worried and upset. Kel’s
not completely recovered yet. I can tell Dom’s not telling me the whole truth. Oh well thank the gods she’s
at least doing better.’ “Good,” Raoul murmured. Deciding to change the subject he asked,
“So did you have something you wanted to speak with me about?”
“Actually yes,” Dom told
Raoul. He then related everything Kel had told him of Marcus.
“I see,” Raoul mused.
“Am I right in assuming she would like to attempt a rescue?”
Dom nodded. “Yes, sir.
She said he treated her well.”
“Well Kel likes him so he must
be a good man,” Raoul spoke softly. “Or at least halfway decent.”
Dom smiled. “Are we to go
after him then?” he asked.
Raoul sat down in the chair behind his
desk and put his head in his hands. After a moment he sighed and straightened in his chair. “Yes, Dom,”
he told the young sergeant. “It’s important to Kel and since we are already here--” Raoul trailed
“Very well,” Dom said.
“I will go tell Kel. Gods know she will rest easier knowing he will soon be rescued.”
"Oh really,
Dom?" Kel asked joyously. She had expected Raoul to dance around the issue more than he had. Kel had thought they
wouldn't begin rescue efforts for at least a few more days, but here Dom was telling her that Raoul had agreed to a rescue
mission and that they would begin immediately.
"Yes, Kel,"
he said sweetly. "Really."
Kel smiled
up at Dom. "I missed you while I was in that dungeon," she said.
"I missed
you, too," he whispered as he leaned down to brush his lips against hers.
Kel giggled
and returned the kiss. ‘He kisses so much better than Cleon ever did,’ she thought giddily to herself.
Just then
Neal walked in, took one look at what was taking place and said in his dry manner, “So should I arrange a room at the
local inn you two?”
Kel and Dom pulled apart. “Save it, Meathead,” Dom threatened.
course, of course,” Neal replied meekly. “Anyways my visit has nothing to do with you.” He turned
to Kel and said a little too cheerfully, “I have arrived with your daily dose of ‘yuck.’”
Kel groaned,
but resigned herself to another vile tasting potion. Accepting a small glass from Neal she dared to ask, “So,
uh, Neal, what’s the prognosis?”
Neal sat down
on the edge of Kel’s bed. “Would it work if I said I’ll tell you in the morning?”
Kel said exasperatedly.
Neal grimaced and said, “I was just checking.” His face became serious. “Kel, there are still
serious blocking spells around you. Not even lady Alanna has been able to apply any serious healing magic to you.
That’s why it has been three weeks and you are still as weak and limp as a daffodil.” Seeing the look on
her face he added quickly, “No offense.”
“None taken,” Kel retorted. “What’s the news with the war?” she asked, a bit startled
that no one had told her she had been abed three weeks. She was even more disturbed at her condition after three weeks.
If she had had a normal healing she would have been healed within a week.
“Same as it was when you were captured,” Neal told her. “We are still at a stalemate.”
“I see,” Kel mumbled.
After a few moments Neal said abruptly, “Now drink and rest. No doubt you will be hungry when you awake, so food
then. I want you to get a full night’s sleep first. Don’t fret. You’ll see, all will work
out.” Neal strode off into the infirmary office.
Dom leaned over and sat where Neal had been perched on the edge of Kel’s bed. “Don’t overdo.
Drink this and rest. I love you and don’t want anything to happen to you.” He gently traced her jaw
line with one of his perfect fingers.
“I love you, too,” she murmered sweetly. “G’night.”
Kel awoke
to find herself in a dark infirmary. ‘It can’t still be night,’ she thought to herself. ‘I’m
not tired at all.’ Glancing out the window she saw stars in a dark sky.She looked about the infirmary and noticed
a large lump slumped in a chair at the foot of her bed. From the dim light that came through the windows, compliments of the
torches positioned outside, she could barely make out Dom’s hard, muscular frame. She smiled to herself pleased that
Dom cared about her enough to stay the night by her side. Looking past Dom she noticed a bulge lying on a close by bed. ‘Wonder
what that is.’
she was hungry Kel glanced at the table next to her. There she found a covered plate. Removing the cover revealed a plate
of stew that was still warm. Taking care to be quiet Kel ate the stew. Placing the bowl back on the table she slipped causing
a slight thumping noise. Dom awoke with a start. Rubbing his eyes he looked over at Kel, smiling as he did so. He hoisted
himself out of the chair and edged his way over to her bed. Sitting on the edge of her bed he gently smoothed his hand over
her hair.
you finally decided to wake up?” Dom teased in a whispery voice that sent chills down Kel’s spine.
long have I been asleep?” she asked.
Dom hesitated
for a moment before telling her, “A little more than three days.”
Kel cried.
you remember that mixture Neal had you drink before you went to bed?” Dom questioned.
Kel replied. “I remember him giving it to me. It tasted awfully nasty.”
that mixture had some powerful sleeping spells in it. Neal wanted you to be able to have some peaceful rest that would help
you heal faster.” Dom explained all of this very matter-of-factly.
“I see,”
Kel murmured. Glancing over at the lump in the other bed she asked Dom, “What is that?”
Dom smiled.
“That my dear,” he began eloquently. “Is your dear Marcus.”
face brightened and Dom’s old worry stirred. Would Kel fall for Marcus? He hoped not.
Dom?” she asked excitedly.
Kel,” he said. “Really.”
the gods,” she said quietly.
did not want you fretting the entire time we were out on the rescue mission. That was one of the reasons he added sleeping
spells to that mixture. Lady Alanna has also been checking on you every so often and a couple of times when she saw you were
close to waking she would do some little spell that would keep you asleep.”
Kel said quietly. “So you kept me asleep so I wouldn’t be awake for the action?” she accused.
it’s not like that,” Dom protested. “We just wanted to make sure you didn’t relapse because of the
heightened stress.” When Kel didn’t say anything Dom used his hand to draw her stare up from her lap to his eyes.
“Don’t be mad, please,” he pleaded. “We did it because we were worried about your health.”
“I see.”
Kel’s response was rather short.
I love you,” Dom whispered. “Don’t be mad that I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”
Kel sat for
a moment not saying anything. After a rather long and somewhat uncomfortable silence she said, “I’m not mad. It’s
just that I’m frustrated. Being in bed three weeks, seeing everyone else come and go, watching others go on rescue missions
or fight. Dom I was trained for all of this and look what good it’s doing me. I’m stuck here in bed doing nothing.”
Dom took the
hand on Kel’s good arm in both of his own. “Kel, as soon as Numair gets here he will undoubtedly be able to break
the spells around you that are keeping Neal and Lady Alanna from healing you. You will be up and about in no time. Until then
know that we are here to support and love you.”
Kel looked
up at Dom’s bright, blue eyes and saw a depth of love in them that warmed and frightened her. “Thank you,”
she said, her eyes brimming with tears. She took a few moments to master her emotions and then asked a question that had been
nagging at her. “Is Marcus going to be okay?”
eyes didn’t shadow and he didn’t falter or hesitate once as he told Kel, “Yes my dear, Marcus is going to
be just fine. All he had was a cracked rib and a mild concussion. Neal and Lady Alanna fixed him up in no time.” Dom’s
voice became angry as he said, “There weren’t any spells around him that kept the healing magic away.”
did you get him back?” Kel asked quickly, trying to change the subject.
rescued him this morning,” Dom said smiling as he realized that Kel changed the subject on purpose.
Kel nodded
her understanding and began asking Dom more questions, getting filled in on the past three weeks. The two became so comfortable
chatting that they did not notice a dark figure creeping near the back of the infirmary. A sudden clatter of metal hitting
the floor made them both jump.
Dom stood
quickly, drawing his sword with lightening fast speed. “Who goes there?” he demanded, his voice harsh.
a familiar tone drawled. “Calm down. It’s just me.” The figure stepped out of the shadows revealing none
other than Raoul.
Lord Knight Commander,” Kel said respectfully. “You gave the both of us such a start.”
my intention Kel,” he said quickly as he strode over to her bedside.
Dom began. “Why were you sneaking around?”
Raoul was
thankful the darkness hid his blush. “I was uh, checking on Kel,” he stammered.
Dom hid his
smile realizing why Raoul was really here. “You know my Lord Knight Commander,” he said in a mockingly respectful
voice. “If you had wanted to know how Kel was doing all you would have to do is ask Neal or anyone around here for that
Raoul said sheepishly. “You two looked to be having so much fun I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Kel rolled
her eyes and motioned for Raoul to join them. As he took a seat enlightenment struck Kel. ‘He might be more willing
to tell me something about these blocking spells,’ she thought. “Raoul?” she asked tentatively.
he replied.
you know these blocking spells around me?” she asked him. Raoul nodded and Kel continued. “Well do we have any
idea of where they are from?”
Raoul looked
down at his hands. It was a few moments before he replied. “Actually Alanna and I have a fair idea,” he admitted.
“It was that necklace I gave you.”
Kel had forgotten
about the necklace that would help Raoul track her if she was lost. Not seeing how it related to her weakness she raised an
inquiring eyebrow.
captors took the necklace and traced its power to Corus. Since they couldn’t pinpoint the mage who had supplied the
amulet with power they figured the mage wouldn’t be able to detect them if they changed around his spell. It seems that
they used it’s power to bind your health to that of the amulet’s existence. We discovered it was missing when
you were rescued but didn’t think much of it. Numair has discovered that the amulet’s existence is what sustains
you and that your former captors are slowly destroying the amulet. Unless we find a solution you could die soon.”
Kel sat in
silence for a moment watching Raoul and Dom. Dom, eyes filled with tears, hung his head. Raoul clapped him on the shoulder,
face solemn.
you mean I could die any day?” Kel asked.
Raoul nodded.
“I’m sorry Kel. We didn’t really know how to tell you. We figured unless you asked we wouldn’t bring
it up. There was no reason to tell you as long as we didn’t have a solution.”
Kel nodded
her understanding. “I see.”
has been working on transferring the spell to another object. He hasn’t figured out how to lift the spell. Apparently
lifting it now would kill you so he’s planning on focusing the spells energy on another object. The mages who put this
spell on you are very powerful but so is Numair. We will figure out a solution.”
you for telling me, Raoul,” Kel said slowly.
Raoul nodded
and strode out of the infirmary, face set against emotion. Dom watched Raoul’s retreating back for a moment then turned
to Kel. “It’s too soon,” he said quietly. “Just when I finally found you.”
Kel looked
into Dom’s deep blue eyes. “I love you,” she said. “Numair’s a smart man. He will figure out
Dom forced
a smile and said, “Look at me. You are the one who’s facing the impossible. It’s my job to comfort you,
not the other way around.” He shook his head, stood and moved to Kel’s side. He sat down carefully on the edge
of Kel’s bed and pulled her close to him. Gently he rocked her back and forth, stroking her hair.
Kel awoke
the next morning to the sound of humming. She looked over at Dom, who was sitting beside her bed and grinned. He realized
she was awake and set down the book he had been reading.
Kel murmured.
Dom returned. “How are you feeling today?”
Kel replied. It was the truth, she felt more rested and clearer headed now than she had in weeks.
Dom asked skeptically.
Dom,” Kel told him. “In fact, I am feeling better today than I’ve felt in weeks. Completely refreshed and
everything. It’s like the amulet spell is gone.”
Dom smiled
brightly and took Kel’s hands in his. “That’s wonderful,” he said. “We should get Raoul, Numair,
and Alanna in here to see what they think.”
He leaned
in and kissed the top of her forehead. “Be back soon, my love,” he told her before exiting the infirmary.
Kel sat still
for a moment letting the feeling of Dom’s kiss linger in the air. She smiled to herself. ‘Maybe I am getting
better,’ she thought.
A little later
Dom returned followed by Raoul, Numair, and Alanna.
Numair spoke
first, “So, Kel, Dom tells us that you are feeling better.”
Kel smiled
ask she looked up, “Yes. It’s as if they spells aren’t in place anymore.”
Numair frowned,
held his hand over her head, and began an incantation under his breath. After a few moments he turned his palm upward and
a ball of light set itself upon his palm. It glowed bright yellow for a moment and then steadily turned a pulsing green, matching
Kel’s eye color.
young lady, it does seem that these spells are gone. I can find no trace of them around you,” Numair told her.
Kel smiled
and looked over at Dom who was grinning uncontrollably. Alanna nudged Numair and said, “Now that the blocking spells
are gone, can Neal and finish the healing Kel needs.”
Numair nodded,
congratulated Kel, gave them a final wave and left saying he had work to finish.
Raoul took
up a nearby chair followed by Dom.
Alanna murmured. “I must go find Neal and then he and I should be able to have you as good as new in no time.”
Kel nodded
her thanks and turned to Dom. For a moment, neither of them said anything, then Dom leaned forward and gave a Kel a passionate
kiss. So absorbed were they in each other that they forgot Raoul was in the room until he gave a slight cough. Kel and Dom
broke apart and smiled sheepishly.
Kel was thankful
that Alanna walked in moments later with Neal in tow. Neal looked ecstatic.
get started,” Alanna said. She turned to Raoul and Dom, “Sorry, but only healers and the patient. I must ask you
two to wait outside.” Alanna smiled at Raoul and Dom as they hoisted themselves from the chairs and looked at her with
such grumpy faces. “Shoo,” she prompted them. “You can come back soon enough.”
Kel smiled
at Dom and Raoul as they turned to leave.
One week later
Kel was back in the practice courts. It had taken her four or five days to recover her old strength but now that she had it
back she was spending most of her spare time practicing. The lunch bell rang and Kel trotted off to the wash house to clean
up before lunch.
Kel entered
the mess, got her food and sat down next to Dom. She grinned at him before starting in on her lunch. Kel smiled inwardly as
she thought about her new relationship with the handsome, blue-eyed sergeant. It had only been a week that they’d truly
had to be together. Without cares, without worries, and she had enjoyed every minute of it. It still bothered her a bit that
none of the mages could figure out why the spells had been lifted but since no one else seemed to concerned, Kel tried to
push it to the back of her mind.
It had been
so long since she had had free time to spend with Dom without having something pressing to do. The shaky peace treaty was
still holding and spring was approaching. If things turned out right, Tortall would have peace soon. Kel was hopeful.
She was jerked
out of her pleasant thoughts by Dom who had gently nudged her. “A penny for your thoughts?” he asked.
she said. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about how nice things are right now.”
Dom looked
over at her. He was so happy to have her back and healthy and so pleased that she was here with him now. “Do you want
to go for a ride today?” he asked her.
Her eyes brightened up and she told him yes. They planned to meet that afternoon at the one o’clock
bell by the stables
~*~to be continued~*~
~Numair and Daine’s Wedding sent in by Veralidaine~*~ rated G
Note: All characters are my hero, Tamora
Peirce’s, not mine. And if you are ever on the chartroom between 3:30 and 5 after noon here in Minnesota plz look me
* * *
The long awaited day, for all of Tortall, had finally come.
It was the eve of the spring equinox, and Daine was in her room with three women, her friends Alanna the Lioness, Queen Thayet
of Tortall, and Onua the horsemistress.
“How do I know if I’m
ready to become Mrs. Salamin?” Daine asked nervously
“If you truly love him,
you’ve been ready’’ The Lioness said, remembering her husband, “I didn’t know I loved George
until after I became a knight. In the time I was gone, I found I missed him. When he sent two of his rouges to see if I was
okay I began to worry about him.”
‘’I really didn’t
like Jon at first,” Thayet added, making a face. “I remember thinking ‘Mithros, this guy really likes to
flaunt his wealth’. But I had been through a lot going to the roof of the world with Alanna. In time I grew accustom
to the wealth and love Jon. Now, I know I love him and my castle!’’ She said, spinning around the room with her
arms out.
“I’d add something,”
Onua said “but I don’t have any advice other than Listen to your heart, it will bring you down the right path.”
Skysong, Daine’s young
dragonet also called Kit or Kitten, balanced on her hindquarters and voiced a string of whistles, trills and croaks.
-She says she approves of your choice- a voice said-Hello again Wieryn’s
All four women turned to see
a large blue dragon sitting outside. “Hello, Diamondflame.” Daine said,” Thank you for coming.”
-I could not miss the wedding of
a future goddess.-the dragon replied.- also with a dragonet here I had to check
on the little one.-
thank you anyway,” the Wildmage, as she had become known as, said. “Have you asked if my parents can come? Did
the great gods agree?”
-Yes, I asked. The great gods not
only agreed to let Weiryn and Sarra to come-replied- But if they can keep Ulousa
at bay for time, they themselves will attended.-
“Thank-you, Diamondflame. I hope they can come!” Daine said
“Wow, that would make the wedding so wonderful!” Thayet exclaimed
“this wedding is shaping up to be better than mine!”
“Well, if it is,” Alanna said, slightly giggling, “then
my wedding was thrown into the dust awhile ago!”
“Thayet, your wedding could never be second best to any other!”
Onua replied, completely blowing off the idea. “Even with the gods present.”
A small gray sparrow flew in the window and perched itself on lone smoky
brown curl.
-Cloud says to get some sleep-the sparrow said-She knows you’re nervous and
she said you are making her nervous.-
Thinking of the mare, Daine laughed. “You tell her I’m trying to relax
and tell her to behave herself tomorrow.” She replied. “I don’t want her biting my da.”
-I will do that.-the sparrow said and was gone.
“What did he want?” Onua said.
“He was just telling me” she replied, still smiling, “that
I’m making Cloud nervous.”
The Lioness, who had been sitting on Daine’s bed, stood up. “Well,
Daine, you best try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is your big day!”
“Yes, we will be back in the morning.” Thayet said as she stood
from her set and walked to the door as though her feet never touched the ground. “Good night, Daine.”
Alanna and Onua filed out behind her, both wishing her good night and sweet
dreams before closing the door behind them.
I wish I could glide like the queen, she thought as she shed her breeches
and shirt and pulling on her nightgown. I hope Cloud doesn’t try to bite da.
She slowly eased herself into her bed. She looked at the door that lead to her privy where her dress was hanging.
She smiled. Her mother, Sarra the green lady, had made it. It was the lightest
shade of blue with tiny hints of silver everywhere. It was strapless and had a very tight bodice. The long flowing skirt touched
the ground, even when she stood on her tiptoes! She loved it.
That night she had bad dreams. Genial had shown her horrific events about
her wedding. It started with minor things going wrong, like falling off cloud and landing in mud. The worst was the chaos
queen killing the gods and leaving her gate keepers to kill the rest of the guests.
She bolted up, wide awake. It was dawn. Still breathing heavily, she dragged
herself out of the safety of her bed. Pulling on a pair of stoking s and her housecoat she trudged over to the privy. Gently
touching her silky gown as she walked past. She washed her face, brushed her hair and cleaned her teeth.
She was just finishing up when she heard a knock at the door. She rushed
into the larger room and toward the door. Opening the door just enough to see three women. The first was a strong redhead,
the second a beautiful black haired women and the last a wild natured k’miri.
“Daine, let us in.” the queen said seeing her peeking out.
“Hey, you’re up!” said Onua once she saw Daine.
“I was up really early to day. I was having nightmares!” Daine
responded as one by one the women filed in, and all of them thought to ruffle her hair as they went by.
“I had nightmares the night before my wedding, too.” The Lioness
said, smiling. “It’s normal.”
“Did it go over well?” Daine wondered “Or was it a disaster?”
The queen smiled along with her friend, both remembering the minor problems
that took place.
“No wedding is ever perfect,” the queen said. “There is
always something that goes wrong. It’s normal to think even the tiniest and unnoticeable problems as the worst thing
to happen!”
“Just relax.” The knight said, “It’s only going to happen
once so have fun!”
Onua walked over to Daine and put her hand on the younger woman’s
shoulder. “Well, I’m no expert, but I think we should get you out of this housecoat and into that beautiful gown
up there!”
* * *
On the other end of the castle, Numair was having doubts of his own.
“What if she doesn’t really love me?” Numair complained
to the king, George Cooper, and Lindhall Reed. “Did I do the right thing? Is 15 years too big of a gap? What if…?”
“Numair,” Jonathan held up a hand to silence him. “Do
you love her?”
“Well, yes” he started. “But…..”
“Did she say ‘yes’ when you proposed?” inquired
“No buts.” George said “If you love her and she
said ‘yes’ to taking your name, than nothing else matters! You’re lucky that she agreed after only having
known you for three years. My Lioness made me wait eight years before she realized she loved me back.”
“Do you really think she loves me?” was the next question from
his lips.
“She wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t!” the
king said, his sapphire eyes dancing. “Young Daine knows what she wants. She can’t be forced into something she
doesn’t want.”
“As for age,” Lindelle added “as long as you two are in
love it shouldn’t matter.”
“Thank-you. I think I’m ready now.” Numair said as her
grabbed his black mages coat, matching breeches and a white shirt. “The only problem is her mother and father are coming.
I don’t know what that’ll be like. You know they are gods, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Jon announced. “You keep fretting over that. Don’t
worry. If they didn’t approve of you, they would have done some thing. After all they are gods.”
“You’re right.” Numair said at last and began getting
* * *
“Oh, Daine!” Alanna
said in a sing-song voice. “Somebody’s here to see you!”
Daine came out of the small
privy in only a breast band and thin breeches. “Who is it?”
As if on queue a beautiful
woman walked through the door. Golden blonde hair was braided and pinned around the woman’s head like a crown. She wore
a plain but gorgeous green cotton dress.
“Ma!” she exclaimed
and ran over to hug the woman.
“Hello, sweetling.”
The goddess said. “Are you about ready?”
Looking down at herself, Daine
muttered a quite “not quite”.
Sarra lighted and outstretched
her arm. The magnificent gown glided across the room and laid itself over her arm, never touching the floor.
“Oh, ma,” Daine
said remembering the three other women were still there. “These are my friends. Onua Camtong,” pointing to the
k’miri “Alanna Cooper, the Lioness,” she moved her hand to point at the knight. “And Queen Thayet
of Tortall” finally pointing to the queen. “And this is my ma.” She said at last giving her mother
another hug.
“Yes, I know them.” Replied Sarra, “Alanna is famous in all realms, not everyone is blessed directly from
the Mother Goddess herself. As for the others, I’ve been watching you, or have you forgotten sweetling.”
Wait,” Daine said, “is da here, too?”
“Yes, he is waiting
outside. I told him to wait till you were dressed.” Sarra smiled, “I had a feeling you wouldn’t be. Oh,
my, I almost forgot the dresses made for these lovely ladies here. Now you put that dress on, and I’ll get your friends
their dresses.”
Daine grabbed the light blue
gown from her mother and began to put it on. Moving the skirts around, trying to find where she could slip through. She was
still digging through the skirts when she saw a flash and three blue dresses pop out of thin air. She found the hole at last
and slipped the dress over her head.
When Daine finally emerged
from the many ruffled skirts, she saw her companions doing the same with their blue gray dresses. They were similar to hers.
They were much darker in color, the same shade as her stormy blue gray eyes. The dresses didn’t have quite as many ruffled
skirts, but they were still rather puffy.
Sarra walked over to her daughter
with the same gliding motion as Thayet. “Let me help you.” She said softly and started to gentle tug at the dress
till the dress fit properly. Then, she slowly pulled the ribbons on the back of the bodice till it was almost too tight for
Daine to breathe.
Holding up fists-full of skirt,
Daine walked across the room to the large looking-glass that hung on the back of the door. She gazed into the looking-glass,
dropped the skirts and just stared for a long time. Then, slowly lifting her arms to the bodice, running her hands over the
embroidered cloth.
“Is that really me?” she said barely above a whisper, amazed by the gorgeous young woman looking back at her.
“Yes, sweetling, that’s
you.” Sarra appeared beside her daughter. Putting both hands on both Daine’s shoulders. Letting her head fall
to the side of her daughter’s.
Daine managed to pull her eyes away from the wonderful image to look at her audience. “What
do you think?” she asked.
“Wow!” it was
the queen. “Daine, you look absolutely beautiful.”
“You do,” the
Lioness added, “you really, truly do.”
“I’ve never seen
a bride look as beautiful as you do!” Onua said.
Daine suddenly felt overcome
with joy. Tears pouring down her face, she opened her arms and walked to her friends. The three women walked over and returned
the hug.
“You are the best friends
I’ve ever had!” Daine sobbed
“You,” the queen
said, pulling away and trying to dry her eyes. “Are the best thing to happen to ever happen to all of us in the palace!”
The other women did the same,
chuckling. Alanna was the next to speak. “Look at us.” She smiled. “Crying and not getting ready.”
She glanced out the window. “Gods! Look, you need to be downstairs and ready in one hour!”
“What?!?!” Daine
ran to the window, almost tripping on her skirt. ”Where’s Kitten? Look at my hair. Has anyone saw to Cloud,
yet? Horse Lords, when are we going to get this all done?”
“Sweetling, calm down.
Everything is going to be fine.” Her mother said softly. “Come over here and I’ll get your hair pinned up.”
“If we hurry, we’ll
have plenty of time.” Onua said smiling, the k’miri never looked worried. “Let’s get your make-up
Then using what seemed, to Daine, like a million hair pins to keep the girls hair in a tight
but somewhat messy bun. Next, Sarra pulled a comb with a thin lacy material attached out of thin air and placed into her daughter’s
pinned up hair.
All the time Sarra worked,
Alanna was putting a pale blue powder on Daine’s eyelids. Thayet was putting a pink rouge on her lips and Onua was putting
a pale pink powder across Daine’s cheeks.
Suddenly, around the
time Daine thought she would scream from too many people doing things to her she couldn’t see, all three women working
on her face stepped back and the goddess walked around her daughter to stand next to them. It was, again, Alanna who broke
the silence first.
“Perfect.” She
said, “Absolutely perfect.”
“You look amazing.”
Onua said, next.
Thayet glanced out the window,
“Well you still have a while till we have to start heading down to the courtyard.”
“I know your father
would like to see you.” Sarra said, “Shall I call him?”
“Please do, ma,”
Daine said. “I would like to see him again.”
“Weiryn,” Sarra
called, “my love our daughter would like to see you.”
The room
was filled with white magic for a, flashed for moment and disappeared. In the middle the room a man appeared. His tall
bare frame, because he never wore more than a loincloth, was deeply tanned with green streaks. He had horns rooted in his
curly brown hair.
Daine had the
sudden urge, she couldn’t contain, to run up and hug the god. “Da.” She said and ran up to hug him.
She was a foot or two away when she stopped, feeling rather silly.
Weiryn obviously
did not feel the same about the situation. He walked the last little bit and swept his daughter into a warm embrace. “I
am very glad to see you again, my daughter.” He said gently into her hair. “You look so beautiful. I feel so honored
to have such a beautiful little girl.”
“Not as
honored as I am, da.” She said, her voice muffled by a muscular shoulder. She felt like crying, but held back the tears
in her burning blue gray eyes.
Pulling away,
he said “Well, we better get going.”
Still under one
of his powerful arms, they began to walk to the door.
Daine said ducking under his arm, picking up her skirts and quickly walking over to her small bureau. She opened a drawer,
pulled out a pair of breeches and started to put them on under the many skirts. “I have a feeling I’ll need them
for some reason.” She explained, sitting on the bed and quickly pulling on the slippers, which had heels on them, back
“Come to
think of it,” the King’s Champion said, “I do, too. How about you two?”
“I didn’t
think of it really,” Thayet replied first, “I did have a tiny bit of a bad feeling.”
Onua walked over
to the pile of clothes the women had wore over and pulled out three pairs of breeches. “Just in case.” She said.
“Come, my
love, let’s wait outside.” Sarra said, taking the hint.
Weiryn gave his daughter a last hug
and left with his wife. Everyone in the room could feel he missed his daughter and was happy to see her again.
He was almost out the door when he turned, “Daine, I will be down on the stables.
Find me when you’re done, I know you haven’t gotten time to saddle that horse of yours.” He told her with
a wink and left.
After the door
shut behind him the women got to work pulling off the thin breeches and putting on the sturdier ones.
your father, the god?” Onua said.
“Yeah, why?”
Daine replied.
just he seems more like a human than a god.” The queen said supplying the answer Daine had wanted.
“He seems
like any old fathering the realm. He doesn’t seem very godly.” Alanna jumped in.
“Well, he
is a father, I don’t see why his being a god should matter.” Daine said shrugging off the idea.
The other
women shrugged as well, they had seen the point Daine made and thought nothing to argue with it.
* * *
Daine, Alanna,
Thayet and Onua made their way down to the stables. They entered the stable that supplied the horses for a team of the Queen’s
Riders’ and Daine’s mounts were. They walked down the center aisle to the stall the troublesome mare, Cloud, was
Daine looked
into the stall to see her gray mare in a beautiful saddle, meant for riding side-saddle and not normal style, made of the
same light blue-and-silver cloth as the gown she wore was. The bridle and reins were made of a sturdy lace in the same shade
as the rest of the bride’s things.
“Wow, da,
she looks beautiful. How’d ya get her to stay still the whole time?” Daine asked.
“I told
her that if she didn’t behave you would find some punishment for her.“ he grinned, “the animals here are
very smart. They must understand what is said by humans because she stood there the whole time trying not to do anything that
may have gotten her into trouble.”
She smiled and
carefully walked over to hug the mare that had been her family for the years after Sarra was killed by raiders. “Well,
Cloud has always been a smart pony. But I guess now all the horses, or any other animal for that matter, here in Tortall are
smarter because of my wild magic.” She smiled feeling as though she was bragging, “that’s what everyone
says anyway.”
“Well, it’s
true.” The god said and walked back over to the mare. “You best get on this horse or you might be late.”
“Oh, yeah,
thanks da.” She said and tried to swing herself into the saddle. The skirts would not allow it
She scowled at
the incorporative skirts. Weiryn laughed and helped her into the saddle.
“All set
up there, Daine.” He said as he walked to the pony’s head to grab the lead rope his wife held.
“All set, da.” She said
already tingling to see the man she was about to marry.
The god took the lead rope off the beautifully made halter and set it on the hook
it belonged on. Then, he took the loop of soft leather under the mare’s chin and began to lead the horse and rider/bride
out side to where the guests were seated.
It seem like all
of Tortall was there to witness the wedding of Numair Salamin and Veralidaine Sarrasri. This would be a day as memorable as
when their king and queen were married. The greatest mage in the land and the only known wild mage were about to become combined
under one holy bind. This day was the day all of Tortall had waited for. They were ready to have the beloved Wildmage and
only black-robed mage finally a husband and wife team out to rid the land of raiders and unfriendly immortals.
The legendary
song began to play, and the procession started their walk down the long aisle. First King Jonathan and his wife Queen Thayet
started the long walk. Following behind the Baron and Baroness of Pirate’s Swoop, George and Alanna Cooper, walked at
the same slow and even pace. Next, Lindhall Reed escorted Onua Chamtong down the aisle. Kitten, the dragon was next dropping
the little flower petals Daine had put in a basket for her.
The song changed,
the audience rose, the bride on her beautiful pony lead by her father turned the corner and walked up the path of petals laid
down by Kitten. Everyone ohhed and ahhed over the woman on horse back. One reason was because not many brides ride down the
aisle on horses, and the other reason was because of the way she looked. Veralidaine was the picture of perfection, the horse
made her seem even more beautiful than she already was.
Numair was standing at the top of the aisle awaiting the woman he loved. When he saw her his shock took over. His jaw dropped.
Was this really the same girl that had fought countless numbers of immortals? Was this the same girl that had always worn
shirts and breeches covered in bird’s digested food, mud and grass stained things? This was the same girl but she looked
so different in a dress and not dirt and stained clothes. He closed his mouth and smiled. He walked up to the side of the
mare and helped his beautiful bride down from atop the pony’s back. The woman smiled back. Though they didn’t
know it they both felt the same rush of excitement and love as his hands grabbed her waist and her hands grabbed his shoulders.
Even in the heels Daine had on, Numair was still a head taller than her. She gazed up into his eyes as he gazed back at hers.
Daine didn’t remember anything but her lover’s eyes until the part the Mithren said something and Numair said
“with this ring I be wed”.
“Now Veralidaine
place this ring on Numair’s finger and say ‘with this ring I be wed”.
She looked briefly
at the man and back at Numair, smiled and said “with this ring I be wed”
“Do you,
Numair Salamin, take thee, Veralidaine Sarrasri to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The priest said.
Then Daine herd
the words she had waited to hear for a long time spill forth from her lover’s lips, “I do.”
“And, do
you, Veralidaine Sarrasri, take thee, Numair Salamin, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
She looked
at the man for a second, turned back to Numair and said smiling, “I do.”
“Then by
the power given to be by King Jonathan III, and the temple of Mithros in Tortall, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may
now kiss the bride.”
The crowd
ohhed, ahhed, and cried as Numair and Daine Salamin shared their first kiss as a married couple. The simple kiss was so full
of emotion and passion that the mere minute it lasted seemed to take a lot longer than that to pass between the newly wed
Just then a wave
of stench swept over the courtyard. Daine and Numair looked up only to see the remaining flock of Ozorne’s stormwing
allies. It was the worst thing that could happen. They were going to stop at nothing to kill the girl that murdered their
“Oh, look
a wedding. How sweet. Why weren’t we invited to share in this momentous occasion?” the new leaders mocked. A commanding
female with matted red hair and a proud face. She was the consort of Ozerone while he was a stormwing. “How I wish Ozerone
was here to share it with you. He would have a great gift to give you.”
All the
guests went to get weapons to fight off the terrible immortals that had ruined the long awaited wedding. All, which is except
the emperor of Carthak, the nephew of Ozerone, Kaddar. Even George, who went no where without at least ten hidden knifes,
scrambled to get weapons. No one said it but it was a war. Kaddar went and hid under a table, as the war raged on. As the
stormwing attacked, trying desperately to get at the murderer encircled by a group of the Queen’s Riders and a company
of the King’s Own. No one wanted their beloved mages killed. Daine was a prize because of the wild magic that allowed
her to communicate with animals; she had saved the prince and princess of Tortall from the attackers at Pirate’s Swoop,
and during the Immortal War. The great black- robed mage was the most powerful mage in all of Tortall and Carthak combined.
Numair threw up
a shield of a black-colored magic that was soon joined with Alanna’s purple magic and the king’s blue. Other colors
joined in to protect the bride and groom including the white magic of the gods. Sarra and weiryn walked through the wall of
magic to stand beside their daughter and new son-in-law.
“Take the
skirts off. I will fix them later.” Sarra said to Daine.
“But, ma,
you worked so hard to make this.” Daine said. “I don’t want to ruin it.”
worry, sweetling, I will fix it when you have defeated these horrid things that ruined your big day.”
right, my darling,” Numair said, black magic pouring from his upturned hands and into the shield. “You must fight
them off. They are after you.”
“Oh, alright.”
Daine replied, sadly ripping the beautiful skirt. “I’m a little surprised at the new nickname, though.{“
you like it?” her husband said trying to smile. “Or would you prefer I go back to maglet?”
“I like
it. I’ll miss you calling me maglet but I’ll adjust.” She said smiling up at her husband once more before
sitting on the ground to strip off the slippers to put on sturdy boots her mother conjured. She had already ruined the gorgeous
dress her mother had made; it seemed silly to ruin the shoes as well.
Daine silently called for Cloud. I need you here, Cloud, she said silently, and bring me my long bow and arrows. Cloud was
off. Daine called to the rest of the animals in her range; it was a lot because they had all come to see their friend get
married to the stork-man.
Birds came
and filled the sky at numbers so large it was hard for the stormwing to see where they were going. Dogs and cats filled the
ground jumping up to dig sharp claws and teeth into the human parts of the intruders. Every animal did what they could to
help destroy the evil immortals.
Cloud came with
the bow and a quiver of arrows. Stephen, the groomsman, must have known Daine would not be able to ride in the ridiculous
sidesaddle and had put a nice leather saddle on the mare’s back. As soon as Cloud was close enough Daine jumped into
the saddle, grabbed her bow, loaded an arrow and found a target to shoot at. The birds flew away and the other animals jumped
off the stormwing so they would not be accidentally hit by the arrow. Daine pulled the string back to her ear and let it go.
The arrow shot threw the air and hit the stormwing that had no animals aboard it. The arrow struck the stormwing through it’s
chest. The immortal shrieked and fell to earth dead. Before the intruder hit the ground Daine had already let another arrow
fly and the third was loaded and the string that held it was on it’s way to be shot at yet another stormwing.
aim was deadly. She took no time between shots to line up her prey. All she did was load the arrow and on one smooth motion
bring the bow up and string back at the same time. She had shot down over ten stormwings when she reached for the next arrow
only to find an empty quiver. She sighed and went to see how the rest of the battle was going.
She never got
the chance. Before she could ride up close enough to the battle she was snatched up by the commanding redheaded stormwing.
“We were told to bring you back to the cave Ozerone had called home before killing you.” She cackled and carried
Daine far away from the battle, dodging every arrow and weapon that flew her way.
Numair cried dropping the shield, as he saw his wife carried of by one of the brutal intruders. He tried desperately to bring
down the stormwing without success.
Everyone else
joined in to bring back the Wildmage without prevail. Daine was gone the stormwings had her too far away and she was
now unreachable.
To be continued….
Very soon.
The wedding was over and Numair was in no mood to celebrate. There was no wife to celebrate
with, so there was no reason to. His wife he had for only a minute or
two was immediately kidnapped after the marriage was legal by the flock of stormwings that had once been lead by Ozerone. Daine was gone and Numair was determined to find her. He loved her and would stop at nothing to get his wife back.
“Mithros,” he said to the men who had first told him to go through with the wedding. “Why did I have to fall in love with an enemy of Ozerone’s?! She was the first student of mine and I lost her.” “Numair,” King Jonathan was the first
to say anything about this tragic event. “We will find her.
I know how much you love her and I have mages looking for Ozerone’s
cave. We will find her.”
“I just feel so empty now.” Numair said absently. “I miss her so much.” He slammed his fist on the desk next to him. “I can’t just sit by while Daine is being tortured or killed by stormwings. I’m going off to find her.” he said and walked to his dresser and started to pack his supplies. “Numair don’t be a fool.”
Lindall said, trying to stop his friend. “The odds are against
you. It will take you longer to search on your own, wait until we have
some kind of idea were she is.” “Sit back and wait for my wife to be killed!” Numair said
now deeply enraged. “I can’t do that! I have to find
her! She’s my wife after all.” * * * Hidden in the cave
just outside Carthak, Daine was blindfolded, bound and gagged. Awaiting
the fait that was sure to come. She could hear the rustling of steel
feathers and constant talk of her kidnappers. “When are we going to kill her already?” a stormwing said. “Yes, when?
I’m hungry and I just can’t wait to eat her.” A second said in agreement
“I know she is promising to be a good meal but we must wait for her lover to come and attempt to rescue her.” The third said. “Her majesty wants the man to suffer through us murdering her.” “That’s great idea.” The first
said. “Then we can eat him, too!” This was too much for Daine. What if he doesn’t come? She thought.
Or what if he takes a month or two to get here and I die of starvation?
It was pointless to think these thoughts. Of coarse Numair would
come for her. He loved her, and he would have her mother and father
to help him. The animals would join in; they would not let the Wildmage
die. Kitten could somehow talk the dragons to save her keeper. They
dragons loved their young too much to leave Kit without the girl
that had watched over her for so long. Yes, she would be saved. Her mother and father would not let their daughter die, no matter how much they missed her. Numair would not let his new wife be killed either, Daine knew that he would not give up without a fight; just like with the spiderns. The animals felt so much better off with their beloved Wildmage they would not stand the thought of losing her. The Crown, she was much too valuable to them, they needed her. The Lioness and Onua were good friends that didn’t want to lose her. What was I thinking? She told herself, everyone
will try to find me someway or another. I’ve been told I’m
valuable; that the Crown needs me, especially if they get into another
immortal war. Or any war for that matter. With that she felt much
better and tried to smile under her gag; useless it wasn’t going to let her do anything while she still was still wearing it. No. she wasn’t going to die in Ozerone’s
cave. Numair, the Queen’s Riders, the King’s Own, the
animals of Tortall, maybe even the gods were going to come and save
her from the lair of her dead enemy. This wasn’t the place or the time she was meant to die, she knew that somehow.
* * * The king was pacing in his council room. Everyone who found
Daine important in one way or another was present. Everyone: Numair,
her husband, Onua, the woman who first gave her a job and brought
her to Tortall, the king and queen, who needed her to help with the
court animals, the princes and princesses, who were saved by Daine
when they were in Pirate’s Swoop and under siege, George and Alanna,
who’s small fief was saved by the girl, and anyone else who had met and befriended the Wildmage. Evan Larsen, one of her first friends and commander of a group of the Riders, and Miri, Daine’s very first friend from the time she had come to help train the future Riders, and even Lady Maura of Dunlath was there. The only person not present, whose life was impacted by this woman, was Emperor Kaddar. He had to get back to his country and he felt partially responsible for her kidnapping in the first place. “We are, from this moment on,” Jon said, “on a mission
to save Daine. She is too important to the country’s safety.
We will find her, and stop at nothing to do so. I’m glad you
all came. If none of you did Numair would have left to defeat the
stormwings and save Daine by himself.” “We all love Daine.”
The Lioness said, addressing the group present. “We couldn’t
leave Numair to do battle alone and keep all the glory for himself. I need
some adventure now, too. We all do, because let’s face it; the castle isn’t as much fun without her. We need her back as Jon has said, she’s important to all of us in the same and different ways. We all know her on personal as well as professional levels, and we all miss her greatly.” “Then let’s start making a plan on how to save her.” Evan said rising to go get a map, and other supplies. “We aren’t going to do much good just sitting her talking about her.” Everyone agreed
and got to work on a plan to bring back the Wildmage. They were all
determined to bring her back, alive. Everyone felt the loss when she left, and Alanna was right, the court was boring without the beloved young woman.
* * * Daine could since the others were starting to look for her.
She had no idea the group was so large. Numair, the king and queen,
Alanna, George, Keladry, Evan, Maura, Miri, Onua, almost all of the
Queen’s Riders(one or two groups had stayed behind to guard
the castle), the King’s Own( except the troop that had stayed behind
with the Riders), knights and anyone else who felt the need to come with. The group was extensive but Daine didn’t know that was how big it was. She thought it was maybe a group of Rider’s or the Own lead by Numair. She didn’t know that many people cared for her. I’m
going to be saved! She thought happily. Numair is on his way to bring me home!
I can’t wait to be home again, in Numair’s arms. She
couldn’t wait. She longed to be back with the husband. She really missed him; it was because of her undying love for her husband, lover, teacher, and friend. He meant so much to her. She meant so much to him; she knew that otherwise why would he be going to such lengths to save her. Thinking of him she smiled as a lone salty tear tickled down her face. She could feel it as it left a wet trail, it was nor alone for long. Thinking about him being killed and leaving her alone or vice versa made her feel like crying; as she was. It was no use to try to hold them back; no matter how hard she tried they still continued to fall. Finally she just gave up and let them. “Oh,
look.” One of Daine’s captors mocked, seeing her crying. “She already knows the end is near for her.” The rest of
the stormwings joined in laughing at her pain. This was a major bonus
for them. Not only did they get to kill her, but they also got to watch her
suffer before hand. She couldn’t help that she missed the man
that she had lived with for so long. They had the unique once-in-a-life-time
kind of love. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing him.
Or for that matter any one else from her new home. Everyone in the
new land had shown her that it didn’t matter where she came from and
what had happened back in her birthplace of Snowsdale. * * * “Okay,” Numair said, to the others at their first stop. “We know they are keeping her in a cave outside of Carthak. The problem is which one?” “Try picking up a vision from her.” The Lioness said. “And don’t you dare laugh at me for suggesting it, because I know it works. My brother, Thom, could do it. He and I learned how to do it so we could communicate with one another,” “Yes, but you both had the Gift and you were twins.” He argued “So?” she replied. “You are in love and you both have some form of magic. I don’t see what the problem is.” “I
guess your right.” He said reluctantly. “I’ll try it tonight.” * * * Daine, my darling? Numair said trying to contact her.
Can you hear me? * * * Daine heard something. The sound didn’t come from her ears but from her mind. It was Numair that was all she knew. Maybe she could answer him. Numair, is it really you? She said trying to answer the call Yes!
Yes! It’s me, how are you doing? They haven’t killed you yet I see. He responded happy to have reached his wife. How do you think
I’m doing? She demanded. They aren’t going to try to kill me until
you come to try a rescue. What? The man said (or thought I guess).
Why are they waiting for me? They want you to se me die. She explained.
Then they are going to try to kill you as well. They aren’t going to get the chance. He told her firmly. I have most of the Queen’s Riders and the King’s Own not to mention the king and queen themselves. She was shocked. So many had come to save her. You have to be joking. Why would they come? I’m not that important, am I? Yes,
you are. He said. Their majesties say they owe you this. Why would
they owe me anything? She replied even more shocked. You saved their
children as well as they, themselves, in the attack at Pirate’s Swoop
and the Immortals War. They whole kingdom owes you after the War. Oh,
sure. Wow, this made her feel important. She never knew that the whole kingdom
was in debt to her. Yes, yes we can talk about that later, Numair
said trying to get back to the point he had called to her for. We
don’t know where you are and we need you to tell us. Oh, yeah, sorry. She had to think back to the ride over, it was an unpleasant ride. When she finally remembered she told her husband what cave he could find her in. Thank you, he said after getting the
directions that he needed. I have to go, give this to the others,
I love you. Daine smiled. I love you, too. See you soon. * * * Numair grabbed the map he drew and ran
out of his tent and into the circle that the company used for a meeting
place. “I got it!” he yelled to the assembled party.
“I know where they took her.” Everyone in the circle
smiled and asked the necessary questions. “We will head out
at dawn.” The king told the company. “Now get some sleep and rest
assured we will have the Wildmage back by tomorrow night.” “Be
prepared to fight.” Numair said as everyone got ready for the next day and the fight to come. “They plan on killing her as soon as I arrive. Then they will come after me. “Don’t worry, Numair,”
Alanna said, patting the man’s arm (she was too short to reach
his shoulder) “We’ll get her. No one will kill her, or you. Trust me, we will protect you both. “Thanks, Alanna.” He
said, trying to sound reassured. “I know I can trust you. After
all you never give up, do you, Alan?” he joked. “Gods,
it’s been so long since I’ve been called that.” She replied, thinking back to when she had disguised herself as a boy so she could become a knight. “And never do it again! I hated those years, I’m glad I don’t have to pretend anymore.” She added running her fingers to her, now long, hair, and giving her friend a playful punch “You could have
fooled me!” Jon said, coming up behind her. “Oh,
shut up, Jon. “She said to the man who was once her knight-master. “I hated lying to you and everyone else. You know that.” The king nodded and walked to his tent. Alanna gave Numair one last reassuring word and went to her tent. Numair sighed and
returned to his tent. Oh, Daine, I can’t wait till I get you back.
He thought to himself. * * * Daine heard this and sent him a reply. I miss you, too. I want to go back home with you. After that she fell asleep, smiling.
Tomorrow she would be on her way home; Numair would come and bring
her back. She couldn’t wait to be back in the safety of her
room, in her tower with Numair just outside of Pirate’s Swoop. *
* * Dawn. The sun was starting to peek up from over the mountains
and the large group that was on the mission to save the Wildmage
was on the move. The company was mostly on horse back and all had
some sort of way to attack the stormwings that had taken Daine. Men
and women a like band together with swords, glaives, bows, knives,
staffs any thing that may kill the evil immortals. They were approaching
the cave Daine had sent to Numair. Daine sensed them coming and had
a new found strength to fight the restraints her captors had put
on her. She twisted her hands around and tried to get at the blindfold.
Got it! She told herself when she reached the knot that kept it in place.
She pulled at it and the piece of cloth fell away from her eyes. She could
see at last! The sun had illuminated the cave and nearly blinded her; she wasn’t able to see for almost a week. Blinking rapidly she cleared her vision, and quickly checked to see if any of the immortals were close enough to see her. None were there. As quickly as she could she scraped at the knot and got it undone after many tries. Then she set to the gag, it had held her mouth open for the same long week. She untied it and flexed her jaw to work out all the knots in the muscles. She had to stretch out her arms as well; it was hard because her arms were so sore. Next her legs, they were tied together at the ankle. She maneuvered her body till she could reach the ropes around her ankles. She worked at it and was soon free. She couldn’t move her stiff legs that well, so she did similar repetitive motions till she felt like she could move them well enough. * * * “We are getting close.”
Numair said to the company. “I can smell them.” “I
can smell it too.” Buri, the co-commander of the Queen’s Riders, said. “We better get you to the back. Give me the map and fall back. We’ll have a better chance of getting her out if you just stay in the back.” Numair reluctantly agreed and headed back. Buri was right; they said they wouldn’t kill her unless he was there to see it. He was going to sneak around well they were distracted by the fight and save his wife. He would stop at nothing to do so now. After all now he had help. *
* * Daine was standing on legs that were protesting to the new motion
they had to endure. She tried to walk to the opening; it didn’t
work so she ended up crawling. She got to the edge, got down flat
on her stomach and looked over the edge. I hope they make it here soon. She said, and then she noticed a group of small dots. There they are! Wow, Numair wasn’t kidding, this group is big! Then the dots were surrounded with a flash of black light and were gone. Numair had cloaked them. They were safe. Daine looked deep inside herself; she looked for the copper spring. When she saw it she called on a single thread to come to her hand. She grabbed the thread and clutched it tightly. When she opened her eyes she could see invisible horses and dogs wrapped in copper threads. She watched the party of invisible animals move till they were at the foot of the mountain she was hidden in. Two figures appeared
and started to shine with purple and blue magic. Alanna and the king,
she thought as the shining people ascended the mountain. They were checking
it for climbing. They got half way and went back down. * * * “There is a path.” The king said as he landed back on the ground. “It goes all the way up.” Alanna said as she joined the others on solid ground. “We can ride up it; it’s not at all steep. In fact it would be easiest to ride up and not walk” “Then we ride.”
Numair said flatly. He was ready to kill all the immortals that had
kidnapped his wife. He didn’t even get to do any of the traditional things like dinner and a reception. He was looking for ward to a night with his wife. The stormwings had stolen that from him and they were going to pay! The party remounted and started up the hill. Numair was still in the back awaiting the time he could rescue his Daine. The
ride was easy. By mid day they had reached the platform that was at the mouth
of the cave. * * * Daine couldn’t stand to wait any longer, she started to run but her legs protested so she walked clutching the side of the cave wall for support. She was weak. The stormwings had not feed her in all the time they had her. Numair saw her as she slowly made her way out of the cave. He rushed out of the throng of people that was readying itself for an attack. No one saw him leave the protection because they were searching for the stormwings that resided in the cave. Daine didn’t see him either,
until he was out of the crowed and had called her. “Daine!”
he yelled and ran to her. “Numair?” she whispered, shocked.
Her voice didn’t work, she tried clearing her throat but it
still didn’t work. Before she could attempt to talk, Numair
had reached her and swept her up in a firm but loving hug. Daine
started to cry again, they were tears of joy this time. Numair put her down, cupped one of his large hand around her check. “Why are you crying? I’m here now, you are safe.” She
could only cry harder and return the hug. I missed you. She thought to herself
as the tears still fell down her cheeks. I’m only crying because I’m happy to see you. Numair bent down and kissed Daine. The
rush of it made Daine giddy and weak. Her legs gave out but because
of Numair's strong arms she didn’t fall. When he finally broke
the kiss, he let go of her and stepped back. Daine’s body couldn’t stay active any longer and she fell to the rocky ground in a dead faint. Numair picked her up and brought her back to the people that had accompanied him on this journey. * * * Everything was dark. Daine had awakened just as the sun was setting. “What happen?” she tried to say but her voice didn’t work. Alanna was sitting next to her and heard what was meant to be words. She smiled. “Here, drink this.” Daine accepted
a steaming mug. It was some kind of tea with honey. She obediently
took a drink and found it to be lemon. It was really warm but not hot. It was soothing as it went down her sore throat. After taking two more sips
of the tea she attempted again at talking, “What happened?” she whispered, for now it was all she could handle. “Well,
we got up the mountain and expected a flock of stormwings to attack but none
did.” The Lioness explained. “Then, we saw Numair carrying you over. We all thought you were dead but he kept telling us you weren’t dead that you just fainted. So we brought you back down the mountain and we stationed you in this tent we made for those we thought would be injured as we fought to bring you back. But as I said there were no stormwings to fight so we put you here.” “Where’s Numair?” she asked after hearing the story of how she was brought down from the high cave. “I thought you’d
ask.” The Lioness said smiling. “I’ll go get him. While I do try to eat something.” Daine nodded and saw the food
laid out on the table beside her bed. She was so hungry! She took
a piece of buttered bread and ate it. It tasted sooo good. It was
the first thing she had eaten since the small breakfast she had on the day she got married. It felt good to have something in her stomach again. She finished one piece and was on to her next when she saw a tall figure appear in the flap at the entrance to the tent. She
swallowed he bit in her mouth, “Numair!” she said gleefully and put the bread down as he ran down the aisle to hug her again. They
shared an embrace that seemed to last forever. Daine started to cry again. When they finally pulled away, she tried to force a laugh. “I got your shirt all wet.” She sobbed. “Forget it,
it’s just a shirt.” He said as he cupped her cheek with one of his big hands and kissed her. “I thought I had lost you. I was so scared I would have to live on my own, again.” He said after letting her catch her breath. “Why are you crying?” “I’m just
so happy to see you again.” She said hugging him. “Besides, I would never leave you. I love you too much.” “I love
you, too my darling” he said giving her a final kiss before standing up. “Now you should try to get some rest now. I will see you in the morning.” “Don’t leave me.” She said grabbing his arm as he tried to leave. “I missed
you, please stay. I don’t think I could stand another night
without you.” “If you insist I will stay.” He replied
smiling as he moved the closest bed so it formed a larger bed with
Daine’s. He laid down on it as Daine moved to cuddle with him
before she nodded off to sleep. “You know, I had a feeling
something like this was going to happen when we were at the wedding.
Did you get the same feeling?” he turned to look at her. “Daine?”
he asked. Then noticing she was a sleep, he kissed her cheek and whispered
“Good-night, my love.” Before he laud his head back down he noticed a smile creep onto his sleeping wife’s face. He let his head sink back down onto the pillow, a smile on his face as well. *
* * When morning came Numair snuck out of the double bed and went
outside. He was careful not to wake his wife as he went to
talk to the others. “Hey Numair!” the Lioness yelled
when she saw her friend emerge from the tent. “Did she get
enough sleep last night? Or did you keep her up the whole time?” “Alanna,”
he said shaking her head. “You know I wouldn’t intervene with her well being. We talked for a while, just talked don’t jump your little mind to something else, then she fell asleep.” “Oh,
I’m sure.” She said sarcastically “I wouldn’t
have even stayed in the tent but she begged me to. I really missed her
so of coarse I didn’t object.” “I guess I have
to believe that,” she said and sighed. “I know you wouldn’t do anything to upset her well being. After all you can be sensible, sometimes. You can also be quite a dolt sometimes when it comes to her or other things.” Numair laughed and walked with Alanna to the center of the circle. Most of the Own, the Riders, knights and others that came along were already assembled there to talk about the way home, now that they had the Wildmage back. Everyone had scheduled a time in to visit the woman, that way they could have her monitored and they would be able to know when she was ready to move again. They also just wanted to see her again; she was very popular in the palace. Many of the pages asked her to help with their new mounts and troublesome animals. Alanna was in the tent with Daine every hour or so to help with some of her aches, and long unused muscles. After the first day, Daine could stand again. She had built up enough strength to be able to stand. Her legs still were weak, like the rest of her, but now her stomach had gotten use to food again and she could eat without worrying about it coming up later. She was slowly making progress on the unused muscles. After the second day she could walk and run, though only for a short time. She worked on her arms, she was determined to be able to string and shot her bow once again. It took her two more days to string even the most flexible bows. Slowly she built the muscles up and was soon able to string her long bow once again. Alanna and some of the Riders helped her with her practices until she got her deadly aim back. A
week later Daine heard the voice; it had awoke her every morning in her time with the Riders, and had missed. Sarge’s loud voice boomed across the section with the Riders, “All right, my lambs, time to start movin’ out.” The grate sound was soon fallowed by the sound of the company packing up their belongings and taking down there tents. At this she smiled,
she could still remember the days she had woken, and fallowed instructions
given to her with that same voice. It was the power that was held
behind the voices that made the whole company of Riders respect and obey
it. Sarge was the man in charge of training the future members of the Queen’s
Riders. He had befriended Daine when she first came to Tortall. Even though
he was tough, he could also be kind. Everyone began to pack up their
things, and get ready to head back to their homes in Tortall. They
were all anxious to see their homes again and what had changed while
they were on their quest. It was left unsaid but they were going
to be heroes in the eyes of everyone left behind. They were not there
so they could make their stories as…colorful as they wanted,
making themselves the heroes and saving everyone else’s sorry asses. They all spent the ride home thinking up their stories and trying to make their stories as believable as possible. They couldn’t wait till they could tell their friends and family of their made-up stories. They were all thinking up the stories that someday would get them into songs and tales of truth. Everyone, that is, except Numair and Daine. They both were just happy to be with one another again. They were inseparable for the entire ride back to Tortall. They shared a room, of course, where they engaged upon many things that normal married couples did at night. On the rare occasions they were outside they would be kissing and talking of things that concerned their new life together. They were already making plans to move Daine’s stuff into Numair’s room and start to move new thing they might someday need into the spare room that had once occupied Daine. They talked of future children and the things they had to agree upon if they were to fight in separate battles. They knew they would be distracted in the fight by the other. They eventually agreed to try to stay together or to stay focused on the task at hand. Everyone
had visited Daine while she was still unable to walk or travel, so she was
already caught up on all the new things and people in the castle. She knew of the new page, a girl, that would need to be talked with about her new mount. The new girl was known as the Princess in the fief she lived in. Daine was surprised to find out the fief was the same as hers, Snowsdale. She made a mental note to talk with this girl privately. She wanted to know everything that had happened since the time she left after her mother was killed. This would prove to be a great opportunity to see if she could risk a visit. * * * They returned just before the start
of summer. This made Daine even happier to return. She could see
her parents again; they could only visit during solstices and equinoxes.
She would once again be protected by her parents if the stormwings
decided to pop in to say hi again. It was a relief and yet somehow she
wasn’t sure if she wanted them to return. If they did Daine would probable be locked up in the tower she called home and be forbidden to leave. Daine could hardly wait to meet the new page. The rest of the pages and most squires also took to calling her ‘Princess’. Princess Rianna took to demanding respect from her fellow pages, and even the few squires who had mistakenly crossed her path, by refusing to obey the older pages who still found it fitting to make the younger ones fetch their things. Keladry, or Kel, and her friends had tried to get rid of these rules when she was a page. Now a knight, she and Alanna looked after the girl. They found she had the same uncanny ability with a bow as Daine and was also a wildmage. She would have been identical to Daine if it wasn’t for her flowing waist length hair and shapely appearance. She had refused to cut her hair when she came to the palace, this was when the boys had taken to calling her ‘Princess’ but not in the same respectful manner. She was tough like the boys and was just as good as, if not better than, the boys in almost everything. She could string and shot a bow as easily as Daine, she could wield a sword like any other boy and she was one of the best fighters in both armed and unarmed combat. All the field knights were already fighting over her even though she still had over three years till she was a squire, and Raoul’s advice to stay away from having a female for a squire. Raoul did like having Kel as his squire but still didn’t recommend it to his fellow knights. His experience had taught him not to pick females because their monthlies and their love-life with other squires. Rianna was still one of the best pages in the palace and was the odds-on favorite to win the new page tournaments. The tournament was also a new thing. It was an annual event where knights got a chance to see the pages before they became squires and try to pick the best ones. Rianna had already shown the others she was going to beat a lot of the boys but still kept with her training and kept herself grounded instead of getting over confident and arrogant. The tournament was a time when the pages could test out their skills against anyone the chose. Rianna had not challenged anyone but was challenged by almost every other page. She refused to turn down a challenge and was faced with the new record. She would have to back out of a few, or the tournament would be over a week long. If the tournament was to go on that long the extra days would be Rianna in back to back challenges against almost every page that she hadn’t already fought and some she had in earlier events. * * * Everyone in Corus had come to the southern border of Tortall to welcome the Wildmage back to the country. The welcome party included the new page, Rianna, and her friends. Daine could pick her out of the crowd with ease. The ‘princess’ was very beautiful, even in the scarlet hose, white shirt and gold tunic issued to all the pages. Instead of hiding her figure the lose shirt and tunic almost enhanced it. Among others was Baron George
Cooper of Pirate’s Swoop, his children and the four heirs to
the Tortallan throne. The members of the Queen’s Riders and the King’s
Own had come to escort the Crown and their party back to the capital where
they had a welcome banquet awaiting the returning royalty and the woman they
had left to retrieve. Also the whole team of teachers for the pages was there
with the remaining knights that stayed to protect the castle. Daine
was amazed by the large crowd that had assembled to welcome her home. It was
nearly the same size as the team that came to rescue her. She never knew that
she was this important to the land. This land she had just come to looking for a place to work, she had become very valuable in the time she had spent in the land she felt like any other girl that had come to the castle. Stepping down from the ramp she was swarmed by loads of people, she knew almost all of them there was always a few she didn’t know, no matter how long she had spent in the palace in service to the Crown. She was told by many that she was missed or that it was great to have her back. After she had talked to what seemed to her like the whole country twice, the shapely new page walked up. “Welcome back, Veralidaine,” Rianna said extending a delicate but strong hand. “I am the new female page; my name is Rianna of Snowsdale.” Extending her own hand to shake the girls, Daine smiled and said, “I have heard a great deal about you, Rianna.” Surprised a little at the girl’s strong grip. “And it’s just Daine. It’s much easier to say.” “I’m told you can help me with my horse.” The Princess said very formally. “Yes,” Daine said casually, a little confused about the girls problem. “But I was told you had wild magic, too.” “Well,
I do but I can only speak with undomesticated animals.” She replied. “I have found that almost every animal here is some way slightly domesticated.” “I’m sorry,” Daine said giving a small laugh. “That’s probably my fault.
I think I have somehow gotten the animals more use to humans, which
must have domesticated them.” “You see, I was raised in the time when my fief was constantly under attack by raiders. So I spent a lot of my time out in the woods hiding from or looking for the oncoming raiders. But you must know something about this; after all you were born and reared there, too.” “Yes,
I was only there for the first attack. They killed my mother and grandfather
while I was visiting my mother’s friend. I ran away after that. It was
after I left that I came to a sale party and sold horses. Then, as you must already know, Onua found me, bought the horses I was selling and hired me on as a temporary assistant. It was her who brought me to this place.” “You are very famous in the castle.” She said smiling back at the other wildmage. “The ladies in Snowsdale also talk of you. Not a lot of people from Snowsdale become as famous as you.” Daine
laughed, this was not the same place she had left behind. “Oh, really?” “Of coarse it is true. In fact, if it wasn’t for their stories of you I would have never come here.” She said her eyes filling with a sudden admiration. “I got into many fights with some of the local boys because they thought you were a fraud. I knew you weren’t. I’ve looked up to you for a long time. When I was younger I wanted to run away and join you in fighting immortals. You were, and probably still are, my hero.” “Wow,
really?” It was a shock to be someone’s hero. “Oh,
yes, but my father told me I could try to be a knight when I got old enough.
Now I’m a little past but I’m here.” Daine saw that the page seemed to be about 14 or 15 years old. The girl continued, “When I finally got here, after much persuasion to my father I really wanted to be a knight, I was devastated to hear you were captured by stormwings, and on your wedding day no less!” “Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn’t plan that. And I’m happy to be home. It is also a pleasure to meet you, Rianna” “Thank-you. And by the way you can call me Ria, my friends do.” “Your welcome, I’ll try to remember that, Ria.” The wild mages smiled at one another. “Hey, Daine!” called
Kel, working her way through the crowd to hug the woman who had help
her when she had been the care-taker to a baby griffin. “It’s good to see you again. I see you have met our ‘princess of pages’. She is really amazing with a bow, she might be even better than you. And don’t you be a modest girl, you are!” the lady knight said, giving a small playful hit to the blushing page. “You should see her. Maybe it’s a Snowsdale trait to be amazing with a bow.” “Maybe, it’s because we’ve got raiders invading the place all the time.” The original Wildmage said with a smile. “We’ve learned how to use it well. Just like you Yamani ladies do with your glaive.” “Okay, you proved your point. I surrender!” Kel said throwing her hands up as she would in a real surrender. The three laughed
and walked back to the camp set up by the people of the welcome party.
The first and third company of the Own, with two parties of the Riders
rode of to the castle to insure it wouldn’t be taken by invaders. Everyone
else helped the returning “heroes” set up tents and get settled in. Numair found Daine once again and they found the tent that would be theirs. After checking out the tent for a short time, they went back outside to talk with the others. They would be happy to return to the castle again. They talked of the return and as it got closer to the sunset most of the couples that were parted during the time went turned in early. One of the few couples that stayed out later was Raoul and Buri. They had both gone with the rescue party so they didn’t have the urge to be in one another’s arms. * * * The company woke and left early. Everyone was eager
to return to their homes and families. It took them most of the day
to get to the castle and wonderful feast that was awaiting them there. They had everything that might appeal to anyone and enough of it to feed the whole city of Corus twice over! Everyone that had come to greet the returning “heroes” and the “heroes” themselves were present. Daine had invited Rianna to sit with her and her husband. Rianna was so overjoyed at the thought of sitting next to the girls she had looked up to for so long she almost dropped the saddle she was carrying. “I’d love to sit with you!” Rianna said quickly trying to get a better hold on the slipping saddle. “I couldn’t think of a better place to sit.” Then she turned her head to the ground crimson with embarrassment. “I’m sorry. It’s just you’ve been my hero for so long I’m just a little overwhelmed with actually meeting you. And you’re so nice, everyone here is so nice. I’ve talked with the queen and she kept telling me to relax. It felt so weird.” “Well, you at least knew it was the queen you were talking to. When I met Thayet, I thought she was just another commander or something. Then when she told me she was, well, Thayet. I felt really odd. When I started to act formal and she got mad at me. Tortall is a different kind of land.” As Daine thought back on that time and smiled “Really?”
the Princess of Pages replied shocked. “I mean I know Tortall, and more
specifically Corus, is a weird land. But you really thought Thayet was a commander?” “Yes, but it’s not like she was all dressed up, she was wearing breeches and a shirt.” Daine said to make he seem like she wasn’t really that stupid. “Oh, I see. I guess I could have mistaken her for someone else if that was the case.” The younger wildmage said seeing the point. “Well,” Daine said. “We should probable start heading in or they’ll think I was stolen again.” Rianna smiled as they
walked back to the palace. At dinner the wildmages discussed tactics
on both of their leading qualities: archery and conversing with animals.
Daine offered to help Rianna with her training. “I may not be as good as Numair was but I’ll try my best to teach you all I can.” she said “Well, right now
any help would be great.” Rianna replied. “Right now I don’t really know what I’m doing!”
Daine laughed and turned to her husband. “Well, what do you think? Do you think I have what it takes to be a teacher?” “From
what I know of you, I think you could rule the world if you really wanted to, my dear. Everything is possible to you because you listen to your heart and you can do anything you want to.” He said reassuringly and gave her a kiss. “Wow. It must be nice to have some one to love you back.” Rianna said dreamily. “Well, Ria, you’ll have to talk to Alanna and George on that topic.” Daine said turning back to the page. “They have helped both of us with our problems.” “I think I shall.” The girl said as she returned to eating one of the wonderful dishes present. Later that evening, after
everyone had eaten all they could of the feast, King Jonathan stood
up to talk to the crowd. Everyone silenced to hear what the king had
to say. “Well I know everyone is happy to be back here and
with their families, I know I am, but I just have to say a few things
before I let you. “First of all I would like to welcome our
original Wildmage, Veralidaine Salamin back to the palace.”
he paused to let Daine stand and everyone clap to extend their own
welcomes. “Yes, yes, we are all very happy to have you back. “Second,
I would like to welcome all our new pages including, what we hope to be future
third lady knight, Rianna of Snowsdale. And to all that want to see this page
in action the Tournament of Pages begins tomorrow. I hope to see you all there. “Third, as I’m sure you already know, Veralidaine’s parents, Weiryn god of the hunt and Sarra the green lady, are to be arriving tomorrow to visit. I’m sure they don’t want to be crowded by you, would you please either act as though they were any other people visiting the palace or just limit yourselves to minimal time visiting, keep in mind they came to visit their daughter and not be surrounded by people wishing to have a one on one talk of their own with a god or goddess. “Now that I am finished
I excuse you to go back to your families and friends to tell them
you heroic tales as I know you all have made up your own! Have a great night
and I will see you tomorrow at the tournament.” Everyone rose
and bowed to the exiting king and queen, waiting till they were gone
to leave themselves. Daine stayed behind to wait for the crowd around the door shrink before making her way there. Numair stayed behind with her and waited patiently for the crowd around his wife to diminish so he could take her to home. It would be the first night they spent as husband and wife. It was a very special occasion. Slowly, very slowly,
the crowd died down and Numair and Daine made their escape home.
It took them record time to get to bed. * * * It was a few hours after sunrise and everyone was assemble to watch the promising new female page defeat all of her opponents. The young Rianna had lined up a long line of pages and even some squires that wanted to test the skills of yet another girl page. Well not really the third, it was more like the second because no one really knew Alanna was a girl when she was a page, and few knew when she was a squire. That morning,
Rianna was in her room. The first event was archery. Rianna was the
only one who was challenged in this event so she had worked out her arms the night before so they wouldn’t get too tired from shooting. She was putting on the archer’s wrist when someone knocked on the door. “Who is it?” she asked walking over to the door to unlock it. “Ria, it’s Daine. I came to give you advice.” Was the response from the other side. “Come in, I’m open for anything
right now!” the page replied opening the door and admitting
the woman in. “Well, because I know this is going to be all
back to back for you I’m here to help you keep your arm from
getting too worn out.” Daine said as she entered the room.
“It is very important that you don’t try to get them in deep but try more for accuracy. If I hear correctly that is the point of this event.” “Yes, and I know I can do that because everyone says I have your deadly aim.” The princess of pages said, complementing the older woman on her skills. “Yes my aim may be good and if you have the same eye for archery I’ll need someone like you for when I’m battling the immortals.” Daine replied to the page, who was putting invisible arrows in her bow and aiming at the door. “Wow! You would really want someone like me to help you in your crusades!” the girl said enthusiastically. “That would be so much fun; I’d love to do something like that. When I get my shield of course. I have to focus on my studies now and when I’m a squire I would have to ask my knight-master before I do something like that. That is if I get a knight-master of course.” “Well I wouldn’t be too worried about that.” Daine reassured her. “The knights are already fighting over you! Alanna and Kel are both fighting the hardest saying it would be best to have a female knight train a female squire. Raoul keeps telling the men how hard it is to train a girl to be a knight. I mean don’t get me wrong, he loved training Kel but he still prefers boys to girls with squires.” “Really? The knights
are fighting over me?” Rianna said astonished. “But I’m a girl. Why would any one want a girl for their squire?’ “Raoul
did. And you’re the best page in the palace of coarse they are going to fight over you!” Rianna blushed and returned to shooting
invisible arrows at the door. “I got to go.” Daine said
standing up. “Don’t ware out that arm.” “They
are going to start the tournament soon maybe I should start heading down there.”
Rianna said and walked to the door with her hero. “Be sure to cheer for me when I shoot. I think I’ll need all the help I can get.” “I’ll cheer for you but it’s not like you need my help or my cheering for that matter. Everyone in the stands will be rooting for you. You are going to be just as famous as Alanna, Kel, and I are” The
page blushed as they parted. They had reached the stands and Rianna had to go sign in and Daine went to go stand by her husband in the stands and cheer of the new page. King Jonathan stood up to give
the welcoming speech. He stood in a small box elevated from the ground
so everyone could see him and he could have the best view of the
Tournament. “Welcome everyone to the first annual Tournament
of Pages. Today’s event is archery. First up is our female
page, Rianna of Snowsdale and Thom of Pirate’s Swoop. Contestants,
please step up to the line and string your bows.” As the king
spoke the pages stepped up to the line someone had painted in the grass
and strung their bows as the king instructed. Alanna’s son was using an expensive bow, and Rianna used her old beaten up bow. “Now,
before we start, I will say the rules. One, you will be given points for speed
and accuracy. You will shoot five arrows, no more, no less. Would you please
string the first arrow and take your aim.” Jon said as the pages fallowed the instructions given to them. “Now on the count of three, release the arrow. After you have shot the first arrow, string aim and shot four more times as fast as you can. However, don’t shot too fast that you forget to take aim. I don’t want to dock you points on that. Ready,” the pages nodded and focused back on their target. “One… Two…Three!” The pages shot the arrows and reloaded as fast as they could. Rianna was faster, as she had said earlier; she had Daine’s deadly aim with the speed to match. Her five arrows were all neatly clustered at the center of her target before Thom had three. She did in fact have the same skill as Daine did. Thom shot his last arrow and glanced at his opponent to see her bow down and was shaking out her arms. He knew he had beaten him for speed. To be a good sport as both his parents had taught him he extended his hand to shake the girls. “Good shooting, Ria.” He said shaking hands with his friend, fellow page, and opponent. “You have a deadly eye for archery. It is my honor to have done as well as I did against someone as great as you.” He said giving a joking bow. “Oh, shut up, Thom,” the princess of pages replied pulling her hand away from her secret lovers grasp. “You’re as good an archer as me. Or you could be if you had more practice. That’s the only reason I’m any good, I’ve had a lot of practice and that’s all.” Alanna’s
son shook his head as the judges tallied up points for the pages. Both the
targets had the arrows deeply imbedded in them and the arrows had to be cut out. Daine smiled thinking of the time Kaddar had shown her around the land and his friends had challenged her with this same thing and were amazed with exactly the same results as Rianna had now. Jon stood
again to announce the score and who would be competing next. “the winner;
Rianna of Snowsdale has a perfect score of 50 points and Thom of Pirate’s
Swoop with a close 45. Well done to both of you.” Jon stopped to give everyone clapped as Rianna bowed Thom left the field. “Next
up we have Rianna of Snowsdale, our first victor, and Prince Jasson. The rules
are one; points will be given to you on speed and accuracy. Two; you will shoot five arrows, no more, no less. Now, would you please step up to the line? String your first arrow, and take your aim. Remember to shot your remaining four arrows as fast as you can but keep your aim, I don’t want anyone injured. Now at the count of three you may begin. Ready?” the pages nodded waiting to shot. “One...two…three!” Prince
Jasson was faster than Thom was but was still not as fast as Rianna. He was
on this fourth arrow as the girl finished. He wasn’t surprised at her skills but he was at his own. “Wow. Nice shooting. I never
knew I was that fast.” He said as he shot his opponents hand.
“You are very good at this. You and Daine must be the best archers
in all of Tortall, Scanra, and Carthak combined!” “You
really think I’m as good as Daine?” she said shocked at this complement. “Yes, of coarse.” He replied. “How could you think your not? I think you might be able to beat her. I’ve never gone up against her so as far as I know your better!” Right there was the shock that
made Rianna drop her bow. I’m no where near as good as Daine!
She thought to herself. Or maybe I am. I must try against her some
time. I don’t think I could beat her but if Jasson thinks I can maybe I should try. She made a mental note to challenge Daine after the tournament was over. “Once again Rianna of Snowsdale
wins with another perfect score of 501 and prince Jasson is close
with a score of 47. Great job to both of you.” The event wore
on all day. Rianna had almost always a perfect score and always beat
her fellow pages, having a conversation of praise after each one. A hand full
of them had said she should try against Daine to see who was better. Before she had beaten all the pages that challenged her, and the few squires that had tried their luck against her, she thought that she could never in a million years beat her, the Wildmage. After as she ate supper with her friends she slowly began to think perhaps she could beat this famed woman. After the meal dine approached her. “Hello, oh great Princess of Pages, may I have a word with you?” she said. “Oh,
yes of coarse.” Rianna said getting up to put her tray away. “What about?” “Just return your tray to the kitchen maids and then let’s go for a walk.” Daine said not wanting to tell the table of pages what she wanted to share with the girl. Rianna did as she was told, and fallowed
the woman out to the courtyard. Daine made sure that no one was in
ear shot before talking to the page. “Sorry,” Daine whispered
after checking the bushes and trees. “I don’t want to attract
a crowd when I ask you this” “What do you want to ask
me that’s so secretive?” Rianna said looking genuinely confused. “Well,’ the Wildmage started. “I know you’ve probable hear this a million times already by your opponents, and I want to see if it’s true.” “What’s true?” “I’ve
heard many pages and maybe even some squires that you’re a better archer than me. Now before you say something, I think it may be true.” “You really think I could be a better archer than me?” Rianna said astonished. “Well, yes. So what do you say we have a little compaction? I will back down without regret if you tell me your arm is too sore.” Daine said. “So what do you say? Are you up to another shoot-off?” “I
would love to!” the princess of pages replied. “And don’t worry about my arm. I would shoot days on end and even into the night without stop back home. My arm is just fine.” “Well then let’s
go get arrows and our bows and we’ll see.” Daine said challenging
the page. “Bring it on. Although I seriously doubt I’ll
be able to beat you. You’re so amazing!” she replied. The walked the weapons shed that supplied everyone with extra supplies for battle. They each too a bow off the shelf, they agreed it was better to use these instead of running back to their rooms and attracting attention. Then they each took one of the many quivers filled with arrows. “Okay. We’re going to use the same rules as I did in the actual compaction,” Rianna said as they got back to the archery yard. “Five arrows as fast as possible.” “Fine. I have no problem
with that” Daine said in a cool voice. She was tingling with
anticipation but she wouldn’t show it. They strung their bows
and loaded the first arrow and aimed. They were ready to go when
a voice, male and worried the women guessed, was heard calling in the distance. “Diane?!?!?” the man called. “Where are you!?!?!” The voice continued to call till Daine could make out the silhouette of a tall man peeking up over the hill be hind them. “Oh,
great.” Daine mumbled to the girl, realizing who it was. “This is what I get for having a neurotic husband.” She raised her voice to call to Numair. “Down here, Numair!” The shadow
turned and ran down the hill. He reached the bottom and his wife and swept
her up into a hug. Pulling away to look at Daine who had dropped back down to the ground. “Why in Mithros name did you leave
and not tell anyone?” he said. “You had me worried sick!” “Numair, I’m tired of being treated as though I’m a young child!” she said.
“I haven’t been able to be on my own since I got here!
I wanted to something without like twenty bodyguards! And I wanted
to see if Ria really is better than me at archery.” “Well, you could have told me.” Numair said. “I thought if I told even one person I would have attracted a crowd.” She said honestly. “And I’m sick and tired of crowds. Hell, I’ve been in a crowd every waking moment since I was taken from the stormwing nest.” Numair thought about it seeing the truth behind her words. He cupped her check in one of his hands. “I guess I was too worried about you and didn’t think about how you felt about this. I’m sorry, my darling, I truly am.” He bent down and gave her a thorough kiss. When he pulled away the look in his eye was of a true apology. He straitened up and cleared his throat. “Well you can’t very well have compaction without a judge. Count of three, then?” “Just count!” Daine said as she brought the bow back up and the string to her ear. “One…two…three!”
Numair said as he stood back and watched the two compete. Rianna
and Daine were both releasing the first arrow, and the second third fourth
and fifth at the same time. No one ahead and no one behind. They seemed to
be evenly matched. Numair just stood back and watched with awe. He had never seen someone so evenly matched against Daine. Daine was the best arche4r in Tortall and no one came even close enough to get two arrows shot in the time it took her to shot six! And now this new girl, Rianna, could shot just as fast. They were finished quickly and putt down their bows at the same time. Archery wasn’t the only spot they were acting as one looking in a mirror; they both turned at the same time to face Numair and said, “Well?’ It took the man a few moments to get his shock under control. “Well, your timing is tied. I’ll just have to check for you’re accuracy.” He said at last and walked down the field to the targets. He wasn’t as shocked as he had been to see that both targets had five arrows neatly clustered in the middle of their targets. He shook his head as he cut the arrows lose and walked back o the chatting women. “Tie. You two are evenly matched. Congratulations, Page Rianna. Daine, I never thought I’d see a day some one would be able to beat you in archery.” “But, I wasn’t
beat,” she pointed out. “A tie is not being beat.” “Your
right but it’s not a win either.” He grinned. “So, maybe I should’ve said that I never thought I would see the day when someone would be able to match your skills in archery. Does that sound better, my dear?” “I guess,” Daine replied grinning up at him. “Now, we’d best get back to the castle. I’m awfully tired.” She winked at Numair. Taking the hint Numair immediately escorted the two archers back up to the castle. Daine bide the younger girl goodnight before retiring to her room. * * * “Well, Ria, what’s today’s challenge?”
Daine asked the page as they walked to the dinning hall for breakfast
the next morning. “I think its un-armed combat.” Rianna
replied. “But, I’d have to check with someone.” “Do you know how many challengers you have today?” Daine asked; she had taken an interest in this page. “I’m not
sure how many had to back down, but I do know today will not be just me competing.
Which is a relief.” The girl sighed. “If I had to do something like yesterday all week I think I’d start falling apart!” “Was it really too much. ‘Cause you could have turned me down if it was, I wouldn’t hold it against you.” “No,
no. I love working with my bow, I can do that for days. But if every other compaction was like that, well let’s just say archery is my easiest class!” Daine laughed and wished the page good luck before they went their separate ways to eat. The two of them became close in the
time they spent together. Although Daine went no where without a
bodyguard they had fun together. Daine missed her privet time with
Cloud in the woods but she dealt with it. Rianna taught her ways to ditch
the bodyguards, but it made Numair furious. Daine still did because she liked
to be reminded of how much she was loved. Rianna found it annoying and repetitive,
and soon regretted ever teaching the woman. Daine found it amusing
to sit in a tree and watch Numair freak out. She’d laugh so
hard sometimes she would fall out of the tree and get a very peculiar reaction.
It would be a little like this: “Are you alright, Daine?”
Numair would say. A still laughing Daine would gasp for breath while
she struggled to say, “I’m alright, I’m okay.” Next was what Daine found slightly more amusing; Numair’s worried face would turn red with anger as he tried to keep from yelling, “What on earth possessed you to run away and worry me sick!?!? I thought you were taken again! Don’t you ever do that again!” Then he’d
sweep the recovering woman into a hug and kiss her toughly. It came
to be almost daily until Numair watched her himself. Daine didn’t even want to try out the spells he had almost certainly put around her to keep her from running off. Eventually Daine got fed up with having
to be in public every waking hour and complained to her husband one
night before bed. “I’ve had just about enough of having
to be in sight of at least fifty people all the time!” she
yelled. “I was taken off guard once, and I got my punishment for
it. I’ve learned my lesson and I won’t let it happen again. Now can I get back to a normal life again?” “You don’t
know how I felt knowing you could be killed at any moment and I couldn’t
do a thing to help?” Numair returned her frustration. “I love you, Daine and I thought I would never live without you. I didn’t want to risk it so I formed a search party. You can’t blame me for wanting to keep the live of my life safe, can you?” “Well, yes
actually I can!” she yelled again, she wasn’t giving up without a fight. “You’ve been suffocating me since the day I returned home. Why can’t we just be like a normal couple?” “Well,
for one thing, you are not normal. You are the only known wildmage in the land! Everyone is watching out for you.” He said trying to show his wife his point. “And, of coarse you are going to be watched for a while. You saved Tortall on more than one occasion, not to mention the royal family personally.” “Don’t you think I’ve realized how important I am? By the size of our ‘search party’ and the welcoming party, how could I have missed that?” “Look at it his way then,” Numair hit upon an idea. “What if I was taken instead of you? What if you were left here to worry if I would live or die? How would you feel then?” “I know how you
felt, and I love you, too, with all my wild heart.” She said as she
walked over to her husband to cuddle up to him. “I don’t want to see you hurt or killed but I-we- have to learn how to deal with it. Or else we will have to learn how to relax and not fight with everyone else.” The mage bent down to kiss her forehead, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. “I guess your right.” He sighed as he went to kiss her head again and was met with her lips. * * * Over the next few days, Daine started to feel a little sick. She thought it was just her body still readjusting to her life again. She would get dizzy and would wake up late and go to sleep early. She just plain didn’t feel good. Even with this sickness, or what ever it was, Daine continued to see the tournament. When she felt particularly dizzy she would sit in a seat instead of stand. After the third day she was too dizzy to stand she decided to tell Numair. She was unsure of how he would take the news. He had become very overprotected lately, and she didn’t want to worry him over nothing. But it had been four days and she wasn’t feeling any better. That night as she was getting ready for bed, early again, she told him. “Numair?” she asked nervously. “Yes, my dear. What’s on your mind?” he said as he walked over to sit on the bed
next to her, cupping her cheek in his hand. “Well,
I don’t want to worry you,” she started, playing with her nightgown nervously so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. “I haven’t been feeling well lately and I’ve been really tired.” “What? How long have you felt like this?” he asked, putting his hand under her chin and forcing her to look at him. “A
few days. But I thought it was a little cold or something. So I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry, but it’s been a while and I haven’t been feeling any better so I thought you might like to know.” She said, hastily explaining the situation in hopes he wouldn’t interrupt her. “Well,” he said concerned but not too much. “I think perhaps you should see a healer then. You said you’ve felt like this for a few days now, right so why not?” She felt better that he hadn’t
freaked out about it. “I will, I promise. Tomorrow morning.” “I’ll make an appointment now. You get some rest and I’ll be back in a minute.” Numair said as he tucked his wife into bed and left the room. * * * Morning came and Daine continued to sleep. Numair
had awakened, dressed, and gone to the kitchen to get some food.
As he returned he saw Daine was up and reading a book. He smiled. “I see your up now.” He said as he brought the tray over to her. “Did you sleep well last night?” “As well as
could be expected.” She yawned. “I’m starting to feel better but not much.” “Well, why don’t you eat something.
Then get dressed, remember I scheduled you for an appointment with
a healer.” He said and smiled again, glad to hear she was feeling
better. “I’m starving!” she said as he placed the
tray down. She immediately began eating the food that was available.
“I haven’t felt this hungry in a while.” “Well,
eat up my darling. But don’t eat so quickly, you don’t want it to come back up.” “I think it might any way. My stomach
doesn’t like to have food in the morning anymore.” She
said as she continued to gobble down the food “You won’t
have to deal with that much longer. The healer will find someway to fix
it.” “I sure hope so!” The man smiled, he had no idea what was to come next. * * * “What?” Daine said shocked. The healer
had found out what was wrong, the only thing was it was not a bad
thing at all. “All the signs are there, morning sickness, dizziness,
appetite in crease.” The healer said. “Being the daughter
of a midwife I’m surprised you didn’t notice.” “I’m
really pregnant. Are you absolutely sure?” Daine replied still in disbelief. “Of coarse I’m sure.” Laughing the healer replied. “Now, let’s see here’s
some tea to help with the morning sicknesses and dizziness. Have
a cup every morning when you wake up and one before you go to sleep.
And when your hungry, eat, the baby will need the food. You will
to if you have to take care of it for nine months.” “Oh, of coarse. I’ll be as careful as possible, I’ll be the best mother ever!” she said now excited, she took the box of tea leaves and walked over to the door. Reaching the door she paused. What about Numair? Would he be just as happy as she was? Knowing the reason for the
pause the healer smiled. “Don’t worry over what Numair
will think. He’ll be happy, too. He loves you so much and this baby will be loved just as much. Now go tell him the news.” “What
was I thinking, of coarse he’ll be happy.” Daine replied and turned the door handle. “Thanks again.” Daine opened the
door and went into the waiting room where Numair was pacing. He saw
her and walked over to the woman. “So, what did she say?”
he said searching her eyes for the answer. “Well…um…”
she said losing her confidence for a second then reminding herself of what
the healer had said. “We’re going to have a baby.” He’s
worried face creased into a smile. “Really? We are? Are you sure?” “Yes,” she smiled. “I’m sure. Can you believe it? We’re going to have a baby!” Numair swept Daine into a hug and kissed her toughly before placing her back on the ground so they could walk back to the castle. They wanted to tell everyone their good news! * * * by the next day everyone knew about Numair and Daine’s news. Daine got all the advice she could ever want on how to be a mom, and Numair got the same lectures on how to be a dad. Castle life was a lot more interesting with this news floating around. People would walk up to the future parents asking them to name the baby after them. No one knew what kind of power the baby would have. Would it be a powerful mage like its father? Would it be able to talk to the animals like it’s mother? Would it have more godly powers like the grandparents? Or would it have a mix of the three? Numair was
having troubles. He started to worry more about the stormwings. Surely
if the were going to take Daine again they would have done so already. Or were they planning something? He started to become overprotective again. He would escort Daine every where and he wouldn’t let her lift heavy things. It was like if she lifted anything heavier than a large book, she would fall and hurt the baby. He would rarely let her go riding in fear that she would fall off. If Daine went do t the training yards to visit the pages, Numair would be right behind her. Daine decided to confront him about his behavior once again. “Numair, I’ve already told you that I hate being fallowed around and constantly watched.” She said. “Now I can’t even ride Cloud, where are you going to draw the line? I can talk to cloud and I’ve told her about the second passenger so she knows not be too rough. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt me or the baby.” “I know but I worry about you, my dear.” He said as he picked up the grooming box for her. “But, I don’t want anything to happen to our baby.” “You’re doing it right now!” she said trying to take the box from his hands. “Doing what?” he said pulling the box out of her reach. “You won’t let me pick up anything heavier than your books. You make it seem as though my arms would fall off if I tried!” “Is
it so wrong that I care about you?” “I don’t mind
that but you act as if I’m made of glass!” “I do
not!” he grabbed her arm. Daine was about to jump down from the platform in the stables. “Don’t you dare jump down from there. You could get hurt.” “You’re doing it right now!” She yanked her arm free and jumped the foot-and-a-half high platform. “I can take care of myself and the baby without a body guard.” “Well, I can’t
help that I want you to be safe. I can’t change the fact that I love
you.” “Well, you could ease up a little, you’re
strangling me!” she said as she walked up the stales to Cloud’s
stall. “Hey, girl.” “I’m sorry, Daine. I’m
just so worried about you now.” His apology sounded poor but
his eyes said it was all true. “I don’t know how I’d live without you again. “ I think we need this baby. I am probable subconsciously giving you the love I have for both you and the baby. I won’t be the same way when the baby comes, then he or she might take some of your attention. I hope you don’t mind.” “Right now that’s looking pretty good.” She said with a smile. “Now, you go
get Spots and we’ll go riding.” Numair grinned and got his gelding. He was still a little uneasy about letting Daine ride but it made him feel better to know he’d be there with her. Cloud had been Daine’s only family for a long time so Numair knew he could trust the mare. Daine knew he was still uncomfortable with her continuing with everyday life but she also knew he was only thinking of what was best for her and their baby. “Do you think I’m really ready for this responsibility? I mean look at how I’m treating you. I haven’t the slightest notion of how to care for a baby.” Numair said, doubt filling his every word. “I
know you’ll be ready when the day comes.” Daine reassured him. “Alanna and Thayet told me that you can never be ready for something until the moment after it happens. And all you can do to fix it is try to remember it for the next time if there is a next time.” With a sigh
Numair agreed to the intelligence of the women who had already been through
these things. He trusted George and Jonathan with the advice they had for
him and he knew that Daine should do like wise with Alanna and Thayet. It was better to listen to the advice of people with experience than to try to do things on your own. They had both learned that from experience. * * * Days turned into weeks and weeks to months and still
no sign of stormwing attacks. It started to worry the castle. Jonathan
put more sentries on duty instead of less saying, “They want
us to relax so they can attack when we get venerable. Therefore we
will build up the defenses for when they finally do attack we will
be strong not weak.” It was always better to agree with the
king and not argue. Jonathan was never one to subdue to another’s
reasoning. He was set in his ways and rarely looked at other ways.
He always thought because he was the king he was always right, but
it was almost never true. Month by month the castle did little to
change. Almost everything that was there upon Daine’s return
was still there. The only change in the sentries was that there were
more of them. The people only changed their attitudes were that they were
a little more careful around Daine. The only change in the woman herself was
the size of her stomach. Daine got bigger around as her pregnancy
grew to an end. The thought of soon being ridded of the extra weight
seemed t cheer Daine up. She also got moodier the closer it came.
If she accidentally dropped something and it broke, she would burst
into tears and run to her room. Despite the constant reassurance from
her husband that it was no big deal, she would still feel horrible. At
last the awaited month arrived. Every eye was on Daine. Every one made sure she was always safe. They rarely let her out of the castle on her own. The threat of another stormwing attack kept them alert to everything. A tiny hint of silver over in the distance and they locked Daine in a room surrounded with armed guards. They would sent some one out to see how many ‘stormwings’ were coming for the attack only to find that it was merely a silver bit in the city beyond the castle ground. The people of the castle took on Numair’s over protective trait, but with good intentions. Daine succumbed to this new treatment in agreement to it. She knew that it was vital to keep her, and the baby (maybe it would become the most important mage in the palace), safe from the attacks. She knew it was all for the best and kept herself safe as well. She didn’t even really want to be out of the castle, but ladies of the castle insisted she did. They would say, “You need the fresh air and so does the little baby. You have to be out side at lest once a day.” In agreement to this she would but never with out the company of a few palace guards. No one argued with her judgment of that. The day came and there
was a new girl in the palace. Despite the knowledge of stormwings
attacking the castle lessened up on the guards. No one noticed, or if they
did they ignored it, because they were distracted by the new little girl. The girl’s name was Veranna. Daine took the first three letters from her name and the last four from the new page Rianna’s to make the name. Numair thought it was just a random name picked out so went along with it. Veranna had her grandmother’s golden blond hair; it was hard to tell because she didn’t have much to go by. Her mother’s stormy blue-gray eyes. She was beautiful everyone agreed. She would grow up to be a gorgeous young woman, maybe not as beautiful as Thayet but beautiful none the less. Her grip was strong; she was going to be a great archer like her mother. She had the Gift; she would play with little lavender balls with sea foam green glittering. She had wild magic, too. No one would have known if it wasn’t for Cloud. Cloud had told Daine after a visit that the ‘filly’ (Cloud uses horse terms, okay?) had talked with her. Veranna was going to be very important to the castle. If she had the powers of both her parents, Tortall couldn’t afford to lose her. The sentries took to their posts once again. But with the excitement of Veranna no one could keep their minds on their work. This fault was about to cost them. * * * Another day in Corus was beginning.
A night sentry was about to be relieved of his duty by another sentry
for the day when he spotted a silver hint rising over the horizon.
He picked up his horn and blew three sharp blasts. This meant that the
stormwings were coming. It was soon replied by others with another three blasts.
Everyone in the castle heard the call and awoke immediately. They all knew
what was coming. Wasting no time they dressed, grabbed weapons and readied themselves for combat. Within moments every resident of the castle was in the courtyards awaiting their commands. Everyone, that is, except those to young to fight and the family upon which this was the fault of, Numair, Daine, and Veranna. Some of the armed nobles were sent to guard them. They were locked in the tower that had once served as Daine’s hide-out. The guards were posted outside surrounding the place to insure the family within was kept safe. The battle raged on outside while Daine and Numair huddled in corner of their hide-out with their daughter. They could hear the clash of metal on metal, the cries of people as the stormwings swooped down with more attacks. * * * It seemed to the hiding family like
they were locked in the room for the entire day. And finally one
of the guards opened the door and led them out. “How did you
fare with them?” Numair asked emerging from the tower, gentle rocking
the little Veranna till she fell asleep. “We lost people but
not too many.” Buri said. Buri was sent to be a guard half way
through the battle. “Who did we lose?” Daine said. Veranna
started to cry so Daine took her in her arms and began to hum a song
to the little baby. “We lost Evan, and Miri.” The commander
of the Queen’s Riders said solemnly. “I’m sorry,
Daine. I knew you were all friends.” Daine’s voice refused
to work. Her throat tightened with the wave of devastation swept
over her. Evan was in charge of a troop of the Queen’s Riders, and one of Daine’s first friends when she first came to Corus. She could still remember the night they met; he had pulled a roll out of her ear. All though tears were falling down her face she smiled at the memory as a new wave of tears came. Then there was Miri. She was shy. Daine met Miri at the same time but a later memory stood out. It was the time Daine had bribed two horses to be nice to the girl when everyone was picking mounts on one of their first days. More tears fell. Some fell on the blankets that were covering Veranna. Daine moved her arms, so she balanced her daughter in one and tried to dry her eyes with the sleeve of the other. “Any
others?” Numair said knowing that his wife would have done so if she wasn’t crying over her friends. “Yes, but the
rest were commoners. I don’t know there names and I didn’t think you’d want to hear about people I didn’t even know.” “Thank-you, Buri. I appreciate you telling us.” “Yeah,
sure, anything. I just hope we can find some one to fill Evan’s passion. He was a good leader.” Buri replied and turned away to lead the valued family to their room. When they reached the door, Buri
bide them good-night. Daine forced a smile and Numair returned the
good-night. Daine put Veranna in her crib and collapsed on the bed.
She succumbed to the tears she had not yet shed. She sat on the edge
of the bed and just cried. The loss of her friends was too much to
deal with at the moment. In honor of her friends she decided that
if she ever had a son she would name him Evan after the friend that
lost his life protecting her. She also decided that in honor of Miri she
would give Veranna a middle name. Numair had similar thoughts. He
sat next to his beloved wife and hugged her. He gently kissed her
hair and rested his cheek on the crown of Daine’s head. “I know
you’ll miss them.” he said soothingly. “I say we should name our next children in their honor.” Daine forced
a smile, but it only brought more tears. She still couldn’t talk so she merely nodded in agreement. Her throat burned from holding back tears. Numair hugged Daine a little longer then stood up and walked to the fire. As He busied himself making tea he said, “I know you feel really terrible now but how about we take Veranna for her first ride tomorrow. Maybe seeing Cloud will cheer you up a little.” Daine again tried
to force a smile, and again it only brought more tears. Tomorrow
was a new day and no one ever knew what would happen then( well except maybe
a seer). To be continued…..