Welcome to Tortall!!!
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Tortall Chat Room
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The Dancing Dove!!!
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Page Summer Camp
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Live RPG!!!

It's comming!!!

Ok I'm working on it.  For those of you who are new, this is how it works:
You sign up on the "become a page" page.  You then have a name, fief, etc.  At scheduled times those of you who want to [you must email me with the subject of "Tortall live RPG"] come here and click on the chat room link.  There you will live out different scenarios.  At the beginning of each Live RPG you must message the room with the following information: character name, page sponsor [if applicable], character age, character fief, character attributes, if you have wild magic, the gift, or neither, name of your character's horse, description of horse, your character's favorite subject and their favorite weapon.  I know this seems like a lot but it helps as reference during the game.  You can get this information really quickly by going to the "become a page" page and viewing the guestbook and copying your character's information then pasting it into the chat at the beginning.  If you are a squire or knight the same goes for you, just go to your respective page. 
Please no swearing or impropper talk.  The schedule will be posted on this page after enough people email me telling me they are interested in participating in this. 
We need a training master, a few teachers, and some civilians.  Email me if you would like to fill any of those slots.
If you are new to this site but want to participate in a Live RPG that is currently taking place or about to take place just click on the chat room link and put civilian noble or civilian commoner before your name.
The chat service that I previously used has stopped providing so I am currently seeking a free replacement.  I am working hard to find a good, reliable carrier.

Positions we need to fill:
training master~